
‘Halo 6’ is expected to arrive on Windows 10 PC

Her quote is quite interesting if we dive into specifics, as she only mentioned four games that Microsoft showcased at E3, however, Microsoft showcased 10 games, including Halo Wars 2, Sea of Thieves, Gears of War 4, Crackdown 3, Scalebound, Dead Rising 4, Forza Horizon 3, ReCore, State of Decay 2, and Killer Instinct, that we know of, which means Microsoft has four games in development that the company has not yet revealed.


Microsoft has now confirmed that the game is a timed exclusive, just like Rise of the Tomb Raider.

“I look at Steam today, it’s on an incredible growth trajectory”.

Spencer has announced, however, that “I want to build a store, there’s no doubt about it”, thus reiterating once again that Microsoft wants to have its own store to ship apps and games directly to users.

This year, everything changed in regards to Microsoft’s support of PC games. During their Games With Gold promotion for the month of June, The Crew and XCOM: Enemy Unknown have been made available for Xbox One and Xbox 360 owners. As Spencer noted, “I don’t think Valve‘s hurt by not having [Microsoft’s] first-party games in their store right now”.

In the end, the Xbox chief points out that, by bringing its own games on Steam, Microsoft and Valve are both friends and rivals, and this can only be good news for users around the world.

“They all haven’t gone swimmingly”. Basically, it could be tomorrow or next year.

So what kind of games should we expect? However, many people do believe that some of their smaller titles that are still great games and other titles that now have a little bit of age on them such as Age of Empires would be ideal for the service. I do miss playing Age of Empires. “Some of them have gone well”, Spencer said in reference to the sales performance of Microsoft’s exclusive titles.

I know our Quantum [Break] launch wasn’t the best launch we had. But what do you think? What classic titles would you like to see released on Steam that haven’t been available in a while?


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