
Redefining Horror and a Few Clips from The Conjuring 2

When it comes to horrors and chillers, the general rule of thumb/bum is that, with some notable exceptions – Evil Dead II, Dawn of the Dead (1978), Day of the Dead (1985), whatever you’re having yourself – the sequel isn’t as good as the original. Going on what director James Wan and stars Patrick Wilson and Vera Farmiga have achieved here, a third Conjuring is well in order.


Wan’s horror flicks have always been a cut above the rest, with his minimal use of CGI, his dark atmospheric storytelling and strong sense of balance in terms of style and story. With movies like Saw and the Insidious trilogy in his filmography, it isn’t surprising that horror movie buffs are excited for this movie. Working as a writer, director and/or a producer in more than 15 horror movies so far, Conjuring 2 will provide another platform for Wan to exhibit his directorial and technical prowess.

James Wan’s latest effort is not just a great scariest, it’s a great piece of acting, as Patrick Wilson and Vera Farmiga have great chemistry together.

Speaking of the Warren duo, the story of Conjuring 2 is entirely based on “real life events”.

The long-awaited supernatural horror film The Conjuring 2, which was supposed to be released on Halloween 2015, opens around the world this week. Because we’re used to seeing, “This is the family in peril, these are your main characters” and then people come in to help and then it’s like, ‘Yay, we’ve fixed the problem.’ It’s nice to see where Ed and Lorraine are as well, and what it costs them.

Cash-strapped single mom Peggy Hodgson (Frances O’Connor) and her four kids are dealing with a lot in their home – toys go on by themselves in the night, furniture starts flying across the room, and there are frequent rumblings and rattlings from behind the walls that can’t be explained.

The London film set for The Conjuring 2. Current tracking suggests The Conjuring 2 is headed for a domestically opening to $35 million.

When a thriller-horror story is also a love story, I know I’m in the land of the Catholic Church, nuns, Christ, sin, and redemption.

The change of venue is a welcome twist as an illumination of the emotional tropes of family and preserving and repairing familial ties that serve as a meaty theme running through “The Conjuring 2”.

Surely the first part had tropes but there was no denying that it was more performance driven than it was indulgent of classic horror clichés.


Sheri Linden (Hollywood Reporter): “Wan’s expert deployment of genre jolts is no less in evidence this time around, but as he takes his time – perhaps even a bit too much of it – interweaving the Warrens’ story with that of the Hodgsons, in the London borough of Enfield, he crafts a deep dive into dread”. So catch the movie in cinemas this week!

The Conjuring 2