
Salim Khan apologises for Salman’s ‘raped women’ comment

Unfortunately for Salman Khan, most media outlets focused on the “raped woman” remark.


“While shooting, during those six hours, there’d be so much lifting and thrusting on the ground involved”.

It should be noted here that Bollywood’s most wanted bachelor is also counted among Rahat’s fans and he has acknowledged this fact time and again.

The actor further added, “When I used to walk out of the ring, it was actually like a raped woman walking out”.

Though the actor immediately caught the faux pas and tried making amends saying, “I couldn’t walk straight”. If Abhishek and Uday hire all of those people to come and catch me then perhaps I might but then the climax would be very unfair. On the other, Salman Khan gave a statement that’s landed him in soup. Do note: They are not Censor Certified.

The controversy over Salman Khan’s irreverent “raped woman” comment refuses to die down, despite his father, Salim Khan, apologising to everyone who has been hurt by the comment. Although Salman nearly immediately took back his words, saying, “I don’t think I should have (said that)”, it’s still disappointing that a senior actor and star of his stature would talk of rape in that manner. “I couldn’t take steps”, Khan is heard saying in an audio clipping during interaction with a group of journalists.

Blackbucks to blockbusters, actor Salman Khan has his own style!

“Nevertheless I apologise on behalf of his family, his fans & friends”.

“Akansha said, “#InsensitiveSalman @BeingSalmanKhan thinks rape just causes physical pain, that’s why he made this ridiculous n insensitive statement”.

“Why doesn’t the media put out the entire quote rather than pick the “r.e”.


A popular radio jockey Alok tweeted: “Salman Khan is misquoted for his statement”. Turner got a lenient sentencing because he had a “bright future” ahead of him and the woman he raped must look ahead in despair that there is no one out there who would listen to her, get her justice.

Salman vs arjit singh