
Clinton seeking to disqualify Trump on handling of economy

Donald Trump’s decision to fire his embattled campaign manager less than a month before the Republican convention sent a powerful signal to tired GOP leaders that the billionaire businessman recognizes the increasingly dire state of his presidential campaign.


Trump could, in theory, write himself a massive check and start building a meaningful campaign operation, but (a) he may not have almost as much money as he pretends to have; (b) there’s literally no evidence that he’s prepared to invest heavily in a losing enterprise.

That’s according to reports filed Monday with the Federal Election Commission. “Eight years later, as a candidate who is effectively running for Obama’s third term, Clinton won over a huge percentage of black voters nationally”, Geoffrey Skelley, associate editor, Sabato’s Crystal Ball wrote.

On the other hand, one of the super PACs backing Trump (Great America PAC) raised $1.4 million in May and had about $500,000 on hand at the end of the month.

Much like in a recent speech in San Diego in which Clinton deemed Trump “temperamentally unfit” to lead the nation in foreign affairs, she’ll warn that Trump’s policies and leadership approach would pose a danger to American economic security, according to aides.

Clinton campaign manager Robby Mook, in an interview with Ari Rabin-Havt on SiriusXM’s The Agenda, said Trump would start “trade wars” overseas that would hurt the nation’s manufacturing sector.

Trump has repeatedly refused to release his tax returns and has been inconsistent in statements about his net worth.

Sanders and his supporters consistently assert that he would be a better general election candidate against Trump than Clinton.

Yet Trump is attempting to raise $500 million even as he essentially builds a money network from scratch.

Hillary Clinton made the argument Tuesday that Donald Trump is unfit to manage the USA economy – targeting his “rash and reckless temperament” and his private sector record.

More than US$45 million of the electoral funds have come from Mr Trump himself in the form of loans made to his political vehicle, “Donald J. Trump For President, Inc”.

Earlier this month, Trump said that a judge in a pending case against him related to Trump University can not be impartial due to the judge’s Mexican heritage.

Trump said he raised US$12 million during the weekend for the Republican Party.

“He did a good job”, Trump said.

Indeed, fundraising reports released late Monday showed donors gave Trump’s campaign about $3 million in May, even though he enjoyed presumptive nominee status for nearly the entire month.

“I may do it again in the general election”, he said on NBC’s “Today” show. The PAC had US$500,971 cash remaining at the beginning of June.


Trump framed Lewandowski’s dismissal as an inevitable outgrowth of a shift in campaign strategy. And it represented a steep fall from April, when he raised $25.8 million. “Traditionally GOP presidential candidates score better on this party loyalty test”. Among Democratic voters who backed Sanders over Clinton, just 28% say they would be afraid of a Clinton presidency. Four years ago, in May 2012, the RNC raised more than $34 million and ended the month with more than $60 million in the bank.

Will Trump campaign's shake-up salvage bid