
Clinton sets ambitious goals to tackle climate change

They both reported that information she included in email she sent from her private servers was not only classified, but classified at the time she sent it. Her claim that nothing she sent was classified “at the time” is clearly false. This classified information should never have been transmitted via an unclassified personal system. “The one good thing in all of this is that Hillary and her goon squad – Lanny Davis, James Carville, and other people – can’t call the inspectors general “right wingers” trying to destroy her campaign”, Nussbaum added. If Clinton knowingly used her private server to handle classified information she could have a problem.


“Even if Secretary Clinton or her aides didn’t run afoul of any criminal provisions, the fact that classified information was identified within the emails is exactly why use of private emails…is not supposed to be allowed”, said Bradley Moss, a Washington attorney who specializes in national security matters.

“It’s that kind of hypocrisy that makes the majority of voters say Clinton is not honest or trustworthy”, said Jeff Bechdel, America Rising communications director, about the video. Barbara Mikulski, D-Md., in May 2009 under the subject line “Aid dir”.

In a lengthy statement and on her campaign website, Clinton detailed that she and her husband, former President Bill Clinton, paid more than $43 million in federal taxes from 2007 to 2014, over $13 million in state taxes and donated almost $15 million to charity over the same period.

“My proposals go a lot further than Secretary Clinton’s“, O’Malley said.

“I think this is a much more complicated issue than pointing to any one piece of legislation and saying well if we just pass that everything would be fine”, Clinton told reporters last week in South Carolina”.

“You had the government confirming that it was a criminal referral”, he said. The IGs for the intelligence agencies and State Department had to clean that up Friday.

Johnson, meanwhile, wrote a letter to Kendall asking what steps he’s taken to ensure classified information is not released.

Clinton, as a result, has been, according to McClatchy, “caught in a murky dispute between State Department and intelligence officials over whether emails on her server were classified”.

Clinton was also due to participate at a forum in Fort Lauderdale with Republican candidate Jeb Bush, former governor of Florida, who opposes the re-establishment of relations with Cuba, as does another presidential aspirant from the state, Cuban-American Senator Marco Rubio. In the corrected version it’s a question of if “government information was handled improperly” as it had to do with “her use” of the private email on the private server. “Iowa being among the very first”.


The Clinton Foundation agreed earlier this year to stop taking funding from most foreign governments. Notably the extent to which other employees at the department were also engaged in the practice.

Donald Trump is running for President of the United States of America