
Experts only beginning to grasp the damage from Zika virus

If a person older than five years old who has not traveled to an affected area exhibits Zika symptoms (a rash covered with elevated bumps, fever, joint pain and/or pink eye) they will be tested immediately, and if the case is confirmed the clinician will ask the patient about the health of members of their household to ensure that a Zika cluster is not present. There have also been reports of other complications in fetuses and infants that have been infected with Zika before birth.


All known cases of the Zika virus in the United States were acquired by travelers in other countries or by people who had sexual contact with people who acquired the virus in other countries.

The warning advises travellers to Indonesia to protect themselves from mosquito bites. Homeowners can also do their part to eliminate Zika risk by eliminating pools of standing water in their neighborhoods, according to the pamphlet.

Over 200 doctors and at least one us senator have petitioned the who to move or postpone the games but for now – despite the mounting fears the show will go on. In practice, it is hard to imagine a tour operator penalising a pregnant woman who is anxious about travelling to a Zika-infected zone.

According to Reuters, US health experts expect there will be cases of local transmission within the US soon as the weather warms up over the summer, particularly in the Gulf Coast states like Florida and Texas. The outcome in babies born with Zika is an abnormally sized head and potential for severe damage to the child’s development. It is expected that if it did spread to Europe, there would remain only a moderate risk mostly in southern Europe and the Mediterranean coast. It is only possible to treat the symptoms of the Zika carrier.

Are there particular measures you can recommend for individuals to prevent exposure or infection? Measures include the use of insect repellents on exposed skin and where possible, wear light coloured long-sleeved shirts and long trousers, socks and shoes to minimize exposed skin. “I just got out of a meeting with a GNOC board member and they advised me to be ready with my long sleeves and my mosquito repellent – I’m not really anxious about it – im running in the 100 meters and training and that’s what I’m anxious about”, she said. Don’t give him nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs or aspirin. A total of 91 tests had been submitted to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention for Alabama residents with seven tests still pending.

Because Zika is mainly spread by mosquito bites, preventing mosquito bites will help prevent Zika, and since Zika can also be spread through sex, people should also not have unprotected sex with a man who lives in or has recently traveled to a country with endemic Zika. Their full information page with advice about the virus and travel can be accessed here.


“In coming months, thousands of pregnant women in Puerto Rico will catch Zika”, CDC director Thomas Frieden said in a press release published on The Washington Post.

Have Scientists Discovered a Possible Way to Stop Zika Virus in Its Tracks?