
Judge in Brock Turner ruling removed from case

They are, as expected, staunchly in support of Turner.


Although Turner blamed alcohol and the “party lifestyle” he frequently encountered in college, evidence has recently mounted showing Turner had used illegal drugs and alcohol during his high school years in OH according to Raw Story.

“Judges have a duty to apply the law to the facts and evidence before them, regardless of public opinion or political pressure”, the statement reads. “I want the judge to know that he ignited a tiny fire”.

The case has been in a global spotlight since last week when a riveting, 12-page impact statement from Turner’s 23-year-old victim was made public. It seems to me that you really did not accept the jury’s findings.

In the weeks following Persky’s decision, several jurors refused to serve in the judge’s courtroom because of his actions in the Turner case. A California Court of Appeal can overturn a sentence if it finds that it was an “abuse of discretion”.

When Turner was convicted by a jury in March, he faced a maximum sentence of 14 years in prison. The remedy for wrong judicial decisions is to have them overturned on appeal.

He quoted a part of Rasmussen’s character letter, which read: ‘If I had to choose one kid I graduated with to be in the position Brock is, it would never have been him’.

She also aimed to dissolve the notion their family came from a privileged background by calling them “working middle-class” and mentioning her two other children hold $60,000 and $30,000 in debt. This is his future life.

I would not be Brock Turner’s father for you. The judge has been taking heat for sentencing former Stanford student Brock Turner to six months in jail for three felony counts of sexual assault. I have represented a criminal defendant who received a sentence of life in prison with no possibility of parole for 50 years for stealing $153 worth of videotapes and another who received a sentence of 25 years to life in prison for stealing an umbrella and two bottles of liquor worth $49 on a cold rainy night. “I knew how out of it you were, and I did it anyway.’ And that – I don’t think that bridge will, probably, ever be crossed”. He earned two Stanford degrees, including a master’s in worldwide relations, and captained the school’s lacrosse team as an undergraduate. The students called police and chased down Turner. Turner was sentenced to six months in county jail earlier this month; he will likely serve only three months of that sentence. Turner was also required to register as a sex offender. In the letter, which the juror sent to Persky over the weekend, the man said he was “absolutely shocked and appalled” by the former swimmer’s sentence. In a letter to Persky, Turner pleaded for leniency, claiming the incident was actually consensual sex, and he shifted the blame toward campus drinking culture.

The backlash from the case and the sentence has brought the issue of sexual assault to the forefront of American politics sparking people, including Vice President Joe Biden, to weigh in, writing to the victim.

That doesn’t mean Persky wasn’t otherwise biased though.


“This punishment does not fit the crime”, he said.
