
Health officials launch program to educate residents of Zika virus

She is not pregnant, was not hospitalized and has since recovered.


The county health department said they were working with the PA Departments of Health and Environmental Protection on a response to the virus.

This case involves a Chester County woman (not pregnant) who had recently traveled to an area affected by mosquitos carrying the Zika Virus.

In the past year, there have been four confirmed cases of Zika virus in West Australians visiting the Pacific Islands, South America or Carribean countries.

“Here in Chester County, mosquito prevention starts with each and every one of us”.

According to a state Department of Public Health website, these non-native mosquitoes have also been found in Upland, Montclair and in Los Angeles and Orange county cities that include Los Angeles, East Los Angeles, Duarte, Montebello, El Monte, East El Monte, Anaheim and Garden Grove.

Fremantle travel medicine physician David Rutherford said, while Zika virus was a concern, the risk of contracting dengue fever or chikungunya virus was much higher.

Health officials are increasing mosquito assessment and control measures in the area to reduce the risk of local mosquitoes becoming infected by biting them and spreading the virus to others, according to ODH.

The Zika Virus is primarily transmitted through the bite of an infected Aedes species mosquito, which is common in warm climates, officials said.

Casner reiterated the importance of caution when traveling to countries with mosquitoes affected by the virus, especially pregnant women.


While Zika virus can spread through sexual transmission, there is no indication that it can spread from person to person through casual contact.

3-month-old Esther Kamilly has her head measured by Brazilian and U.S. health workers from the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention at her home in Joao Pessoa Brazil as part