
Senate Dem leader Reid now backs proposed gun compromise

Shannon Watts, founder of Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America, said her group would work to strengthen laws on gun sale background checks.


At a Tuesday afternoon news conference, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said he would allow a vote on Collins’ bill, but declined to say when the vote would be held or his personal views on the legislation. Susan Collins, R-Maine, and Sen.

“The Democrats want to talk about anything but defeating ISIS, the Republican senator from South Dakota said”.

The bill, which needed 60 votes to pass, was one of the four on gun laws that failed in the Senate Monday with a vote of 53-47.

The Collins proposal is tailored narrowly to prohibit gun sales to suspected terrorists who appear on the government’s “no-fly” list or its “selectee” list, which requires more rigorous security checks before a person is allowed to board an airplane.

Collins said she hasn’t spoken to the NRA about the proposal.

There would also be a five-year “lookback provision” to alert the Federal Bureau of Investigation when someone who was previously on a terror watch list purchases a firearm, something that could well have prevented Orlando shooter Omar Mateen from buying weapons.

Even after 49 victims died on a June 12 Orlando rampage by a sympathizer of Islamic State extremists, neither party has seemed overly eager to plunge forward into a compromise.

“If they had a bill that did just that, it would pass”, Sen.

Warner: “This would be the first step in at least the senate starting to move off that position”, said Warner.

The push for the compromise bill, led by Sen. Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., his chamber’s No. 3 Democratic leader.

According to a statement from Tester’s Communications Director Marneé Banks, “Jon opposed this amendment because it would have blocked family members and neighbors from buying and selling guns to one another without a background check”. The aide was not authorized to publicly discuss the issue. Kentucky Senator Rand Paul has supported that measure for a while.

The New Hampshire Republican Kelly Ayotte emphasized that the legislation protects Americans’ due-process rights, a major concern among Republicans who voted against a Democratic bill restricting sales on Monday.

“Gun violence requires more than moments of silence”.

With us now, White House press secretary, Josh Earnest.

Collins and the lawmakers who joined her, including Sen.

The fight over gun control is looking more bipartisan than it has in a really long time.


Earnest said: “When it actually comes to preventing those extremists from being able to walk into a gun store and buy a gun, they’re AWOL”.

Democrat sit-in