
Rubio Is Running For Reelection After All… Against Donald Trump?

Bow out of the public eye for four years, then try to mount an “outsider” presidential campaign crafted primarily from old press clippings? The Florida senator said he wouldn’t run after he dropped out of the Republican presidential primary race in March.


In a statement issued Wednesday, Rubio said the Senate “can be a frustrating place” but “also a place from which great policy advances can be made”. “That means the future of the Supreme Court will be determined by the Florida Senate seat”. Marco Rubio says he will seek reelection this November.

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) predicted that a Rubio candidacy would significantly improve the GOP’s chances of retaining his seat, according to The Washington Post.

Wicker turned attention to Florida’s Democratic primary fight, led by U.S. Reps.

The 45-year-old lawmaker, a proven fund-raiser who is well known nationally, had been under intense pressure to run, especially given the cost of contesting an important election swing-state where it is expensive to buy campaign advertising.

Marco Rubio, who swore up and down he was done with the Senate, is now running for reelection, using the excuse that he was called into action by the Orlando Pulse attack.

The competition between Rubio and Cruz turned bitter during their bid for the presidential nomination, trading insults along with their other competitor Donald Trump. “Marco Rubio’s willingness to break his word does not make us willing to break our word to Carlos Beruff”. He said when his presidential bid came to an end, he was committed to the decision not to run again.

In Pennsylvania, incumbent Republican Sen.

Just before his announcement, the Club for Growth said it will support Rubio in the Senate race and DeSantis in the House race.


Republican leaders welcomed the news. It surveyed 975 Florida voters with a margin of error of 3.1 points; 971 OH voters with a margin of error of 3.1 points; and 950 Pennsylvania voters with a margin of error of 3.2 points. “Marco Rubio might ride to their rescue if he decides to reverse field and seek re-election”, Peter Brown, assistant director of the Quinnipiac University Poll, said in a prepared statement Wednesday. “I’ll be pleased with that”, Rubio said.

Florida Sen. Marco Rubio who lost his bid to be the Republican nominee for president will announce Wednesday he is running for re-election for his Senate seat according to a source with knowledge of his plans