
For Dems, a stepping stone to common ground on health care

Indeed, given the fact that Trump is a reactionary populist, Clinton will be the true conservative choice for the 2016 presidential election. “I mean, they’re going to have a lot of say in what happens here”, said Temple.


That’s the process of neighborhood meetings across the state each election year.

Seventy-four delegates will represent Senator Bernie Sanders and 27 will represent Hillary Clinton based on the March caucus results. The possibility that Sanders means what he says when he talks about popular movements and a “political revolution” seems inconceivable to these folks, who subscribe to a brand of politics that Princeton University assistant professor Matt Karp has called “fortress liberalism” in his Jacobin essay “Against Fortress Liberalism”.

Sanders has yet to concede the nomination, though in a speech streamed live last week to more than 200,000 viewers, he hinted that he might endorse Clinton, saying, “The major political task that we face in the next five months is to make certain that Donald Trump is defeated and defeated badly”.

Even though Bernie Sanders isn’t now the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee, the Vermont senator completely rocked the youth vote during the primaries.

Bernie Sanders enjoyed his return to the Senate Floor on Monday. Like Arizona and NY before it, the California Democratic primary has received criticism of voter suppression…the majority of it affecting Bernie Sanders supporters. Currently, pro-Clinton superdelegates are blindly hoping that most of Sanders’ supporters will quickly line up behind the former First Lady. Clinton has secured enough delegates to be the presumptive nominee.

Party leaders feel that time and the threat of a Trump administration will bring Sanders supporters on board.

Since Clinton sewed up the nomination, Warren has become a highly visible backer.

Only members of the DNC would retain the superdelegate status, but they would be bound to their constituencies, voting for the candidate that their district voters chose. Overall, Bernie’s popularity is vastly improved since his candidacy.


Most Democratic superdelegates should realize that, on a level playing field, U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT) would be a shoo-in for presidential nominee. The Socialist Equality Party is spearheading the organization of the working class independently of all parties and factions of the ruling class, on the basis of a socialist program to fight for workers’ power and public ownership of the corporations and banks under the democratic control of the working people, in the United States and internationally. He has decades of experience, is unrivaled at winning against the odds, has bold and popular policy proposals, and has an unrivaled reputation for integrity and consistency.

Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Bernie Sanders I-Vt. speaks at a rally in Washington. Sanders’ “Medicare for all” plan seems even less likely now that he’s