
State fire marshal warns against breaking fireworks laws

However, the use of consumer fireworks is restricted to the day before, day of, or day after national holidays, such as the Fourth of July or the New Year’s holiday.


Penalties come with breaking laws regarding fireworks.

On July 4, the law states fireworks can be set between the hours of 10 a.m. and midnight. Specially designated days for fireworks use are June 29 through July 3 and July 5 through 9.

Use fireworks outdoors in a clear area; away from buildings and vehicles.

To avoid serious injuries, residents are asked to exercise caution when discharging fireworks. “Every year, firefighters throughout this region respond to fires and injuries caused by illegal fireworks or by fireworks used improperly”, he said.

In Michigan, consumer fireworks became legal January 1, 2012, and can only be sold to people 18 years of age or older. Be sure to check local ordinances for other limitations on the use of fireworks.

The “safe and sane” fireworks sold at these stands are much less risky than illegal fireworks.

Soak all fireworks in a bucket of water before throwing them in the trash can.

Never relight a “dud” firework. To learn more about fireworks safety, the Michigan Fireworks Safety Act, or obtain a list of state-certified fireworks retailers, go to the Bureau of Fire Services website at

A responsible adult should supervise all firework activities.

Light fireworks only on a smooth, flat surface away from the house and away from any combustible materials.


Bussell says, “The conditions are dry, they’re only going to get dryer, people need to be really aware of their surroundings, not shoot them off in tall grass, make sure the area they’re shooting them off is well watered, or whatever, you need to have a bucket, or preferably a garden hose charged and ready to go and then the big thing is just be careful”. “Apple pie, fireworks, they go together”, said Spillane.

Be sure to follow fireworks rules