
Trump lambastes Clinton: ‘She gets rich making you poor’

Donald Trump in recent weeks raised at least $19 million for his joint fund with the Republican National Committee and about $3 million for his campaign, as the GOP’s presumptive presidential nominee seeks to rapidly grow his coffers to catch up to Democratic rival Hillary Clinton.


“This election will decide whether we’re ruled by the people or the politicians” he said.

Clinton spoke on Wednesday afternoon with teleprompters, but the “sigh”, a campaign aide said after the speech, was not included in her prepared remarks.

He hit back with full intensity on Wednesday in a speech replete with insults and questionable claims and facts, but one that was the kind of disciplined attack Republicans had long wanted from him.

Mr Trump also repeated accusations Mrs Clinton’s decisions as America’s top diplomat were influenced by donations to her family’s Clinton Foundation and associated charities.

But other voters in the Garden State say that they don’t feel comfortable voting for Trump, especially with comments he’s made that some feel are racist.

The property developer and reality-TV star said the Democratic candidate did not have the temperament or the judgment to be president of the United States and portrayed her as someone who believed “she is entitled to the office”, turning her campaign slogan against her. He changed it into his own statement, “I’m with you: the American people”.

Trump’s campaign finances are also under the microscope.

The speech marked an opening salvo against Clinton, the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee, in the general election campaign.

Trump cited the book “Clinton Cash: The Untold Story of How and Why Foreign Governments and Businesses Helped Make Bill and Hillary Rich” by Peter Schweizer. “In return, Hillary Clinton got rich”, Trump told his cheering supporters in NY.

Clinton, a former senator from NY who has been criticized by Sanders and others for her ties to Wall Street, pledged to build on financial reforms of the financial sector.

A new poll has shown that Donald Trump is only 7 points ahead of Hillary Clinton in Texas, one of the most historically Republican states in the country. To Trump’s questioning of her spirituality, she responded, “Sigh”.

“He’s going after me personally because he has no answers”, Clinton said toward the end of her almost 50-minute remarks.


Trump has named a new advisory board to court evangelicals.

Donald Trump launched a broad rebuke of his presidential rival Hillary Clinton accusing her of being'a world class liar