
You Will Now Get Automatic Song Suggestions on SoundCloud

SoundCloud has started rolling out a new way for people to discover music and audio files on its service. While they can take many different forms, in the world of streaming music services things like convenience and simplicity have manifested themselves in features like recommending music to listen to. As the war among music services continues, this is SoundCloud’s answer to Spotify’s Discover Weekly offering.


If you use SoundCloud on desktop (shown above), you’ll find the new Suggested Tracks feature in the “Discover” section. The feature promises tracks from artists you may not be familiar with, but that are similar to what you already love. The feature leverages SoundCloud’s “state-of-the-art machine learning algorithm” to deliver suggestions based on your likes and plays.

As is usually the case with algorithms, the more you use SoundCloud, the more the recommendation engine learns about your habits. A list of other items, presented with thumbnail images, can then be scrolled through underneath.

SoundCloud states that their main goal is to connect listeners with new music that they’ve never heard before, and in turn connect the artists who create that music with new sets of listeners.


To see which tracks are being suggested to you on the SoundCloud app, just tap the search icon from the bottom. This goes for both Android and iOS.

You Will Now Get Automatic Song Suggestions on SoundCloud