
Man slings feces during robbery sentence

Extra deputies were in the courtroom Wednesday because it had been reported before the sentencing that Hand talked about bringing feces to the court, according to court records.


Hand is now facing five counts of harassment with a bodily substance as well as obstructing official business and retaliation charges.

When O’Neill confirmed the sentence, Hand stood up in the courtroom and brought out a bottle from his trousers containing his feces and urine.

Clark County Sheriff’s Office procedure states any defendants accompanied by deputies to court are to be examined before and after court.

When Judge Richard O’Neill sentenced Ricky Hand to 40 years in prison, the angry Springfield man asked, “Did you just give me 40 years, sir?” “Well guess what?” Hand said to the judge before taking bottles full of poop and pee out of his arm sling and flinging the contents into the air.

In another development, an investigation has begun into the breakdown in Common Pleas Court that allowed Hand to sneak bodily fluid and substance into the room. You just gave me 40 years….

A defendant threw a stinking fit inside an OH courtroom after a judge sentenced him Wednesday to 40 years in prison.

An Ohio man facing numerous armed robbery charges was so upset with his sentence that he did the unimaginable in court (video below).

Hand faced 30 charges of breaking and entering, safe-cracking, aggravated robbery, abduction and attempted safe-cracking, in April, according to court records.

Hand previously served prison time.

He was on parole for less than six months before starting another crime spree this January. The sergeant said that will likely change after this outburst.


Hand is now booked in the Clark County Jail awaiting transfer to the Ohio Department of Corrections.

Man sentenced to 40 years throws feces in court