
Man seen in police stomping video released without charges

The family of Shaquille O’Neal is demanding justice after a video recorded on a cellphone shows a Chicago police officer stomping him on the head knocking him out. The video shows him struggling under a plainclothes officer who is attempting to arrest him.


On Tuesday, Guglielmi said the officer seen stomping on the man was stripped of his police powers as IPRA investigated the incident.

A department spokesman tells WGN Superintendent Eddie Johnson has seen the video and has ordered an investigation. The Fraternal Order of Police said it disagrees with Johnson’s decision to strip powers before IPRA has completed its investigation into the incident.

O’Neal declined to speak at the news conference, but did address that issue earlier when he spoke to FOX 32 and was asked what he thought should happen to the police officer that stomped him and then kneed him in the head.

In O’Neal’s case, Johnson placed the officer on desk duty after the video became public.

The video went viral after it was posted on Facebook soon after the incident on Monday, according to the Chicago Tribune.

In the profanity-laced video, you can see a Chicago police officer wrestling with a 24-year-old man on the street.

“The officer came over there and kicked him in the face”, Hobson added. While the police have not specifically said why exactly the suspect was being arrested and was struggling, but said that charges are definitely pending against him.

“Everybody’s not bad.” Some activists say the Chicago Police Department’s pattern of misconduct in the African-American community must end. By about 10 p.m., the video posted by someone using the name Terrance Hustlehard had been viewed more than 300,000 times and had been shared about 14,000 times.

Several people were witness to the incident.

Then another officer arrives and immediately calls for backup as a crowd gathers and moves closer while the first officer continues to wrestle with the man.


Protesters said the officer used excessive force.

Video Shows Cop Stomping on Suspect's Head