
New Drone Regulations Take Off

“Now that the regulations have been passed, as a business owner, I can finally start promoting my business as aerial photography or aerial video work and get a certificate through the FAA that I am a certified drone pilot”, said Castro.


Under new rules, operators must register their drones online and pass an aviation knowledge exam for drone pilots at Federal Aviation Administration authorized test center.

The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) released the first operational rules for commercial drone use, creating new regulations to better integrate unmanned aircraft safely into USA airspace.

“We are part of a new era in aviation, and the potential for unmanned aircraft will make it safer and easier to do certain jobs, gather information, and deploy disaster relief”, said U.S. Transportation Sec.

According to the new rules, which will go into effect in August, operators can be as young as 16 and will be allowed to fly drones that weigh less than 55 pounds.

The regulations, however, include limitations – such as requiring drone operators to keep their unmanned aircraft systems (UAS) within their line of sight – that effectively prohibit the sort of drone delivery services envisioned by Amazon and Google.

– Allowing UAS operations during daylight and at twilight for drones equipped with anti-collision lights.

Despite eliminating the requirement that operators hold a pilot´s license, anyone looking to fly drones commercially will still have to comply with strict requirements created to protect people on the ground.

Routine commercial use of small drones was cleared for takeoff by the Obama administration Tuesday, after years of struggling to write rules that would both protect public safety and free the benefits of a new technology. TSA will conduct a security background check of all remote pilot applications prior to issuance of a certificate.

The FCC will not require drones to comply with current airworthiness standards for aircraft, but pilots will have to perform preflight visuals and operational checks, including the communications link.

Drones can not be flown above 400 feet, as opposed to the 500 feet allowed under the previous rules. Pilots can apply online for these waivers via a Web portal launching soon.

Local businesses Tuesday had generally positive responses to new federal regulations regarding the use of unmanned aircraft. The latest rule released by the FAA, known as the Small Unmanned Aircraft Rule (Part 107), tackles these concerns.


The FAA will slowly integrate drones into everyday life. The agency will provide recommended privacy guidelines through its B4UFly mobile app and during pilot certifications.

New Rules