
Microsoft Tried to Partner with Nintendo Before Creating Xbox

According to Microsoft, Scorpio will work with all of your existing Xbox One games and accessories, but will also allow for cool new stuff like 4K and VR gaming.


The new additions bring the month of June’s total contribution to the list of backward compatible games at 20 titles; those who have already purchased the titles before will instantly have the option to download them under the My Games and Apps section of the Xbox One dashboard. In order to address a number of the questions and concerns I receive about Xbox One Backward Compatibility, I wanted to update my previous post on the topic with an overview of the capability.

Only the future will tell whether the Xbox One S sees the sales that Microsoft certainly hopes for. This “freedom” was all the rage those days, go where you want and do what you want, and Fallout: New Vegas, for all that it does right, guides players along an invisible wire, putting more emphasis on human interaction than getting out and exploring.

Fallout 4 is the newly launched version of the game developed by Bethesda.

Smaller, sleeker, and able to display in 4K (for video only) and high dynamic range (for both video and games), the One S replaces the existing model but is also the first of potentially many incremental improvements to the One platform. And, the gameplay is all that matters in a game of Fallout. “We think of them as Xbox One games that may take advantage of the 4K rendering abilities of Scorpio”. However, it is important to note that they simply collect the list but not all games will receive the feature.


Meanwhile, frontrunners Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 and Red Dead Redemption has racked up 176,713 and 147,459 votes, respectively. Microsoft’s Phil Spencer claimed that the Xbox Scorpio will be the most powerful console ever created when it hits the market in 2017. But, it is important to know that there isn’t going to be any graphical upgrade but it will simply run on the next generation console.

Xbox One Backwards Compatibility List Fallout New Vegas Added Red Dead Redemption Call of Duty Black Ops 2 Available Soon