
Brexit weakens finmin Osborne’s leadership chances, says senior Conservative

Boris Johnson is the frontrunner to become the next Tory leader and prime minister but Mr Cameron’s allies swung behind Theresa May, the home secretary, as the best candidate to oppose him.


“I think there is a problem just saying “right, we’re not going to do anything between now and October” to address the European Union relationship, because they don’t want us hanging around and destabilising all their arrangements”.

“David Cameron pulled together a coalition government, reduced the deficit, fought for helping global poverty and gave us equal marriage”. There will also be an emergency meeting of the French government chaired by President Francois Hollande. “These are his legacies”.

Ukip leader Nigel Farage declared that June 23 should “go down in history as our independence day”, while Vote Leave’s chair, the Labour MP Gisela Stuart, said it was “our opportunity to take back control of a whole area of democratic decisions”.

Senior Tory Eurosceptics last night launched a “save Dave” operation, urging David Cameron to remain in Downing Street whatever the referendum result. “I admire him and think he has done such a lot of good work for this country since he was elected”.

“Lord Feldman will step down when the Prime Minister leaves Downing Street”.

The Lisbon Treaty sets out a strict two-year timetable for withdrawal negotiations once a member state triggers article 50 and signals the intention to withdraw.

“The Prime Minister has asked him to stay as chairman of the Conservative Party whilst the leadership campaign takes place”.

In a blunt sign of Britain’s new status in the departure lounge of the European Union, it emerged leaders of the remaining 27 member states would meet to discuss the emergency situation without Mr Cameron present on Wednesday. That’s 17,410,742 votes for Leave and 16,141,241 votes for Remain.

In this context, Cameron’s successor as prime minister may well seek to engineer a general election if it is believed the outcome will be favourable to the Conservatives to try to secure a strong electoral mandate.

While the Brexiteers look to be on course for victory, there are still no guarantees that Britain will exit the EU.


He added: “Nissan has contributed significantly to the North East economy, and perhaps wouldn’t have come here if the United Kingdom hadn’t been in the European Union”.

David Cameron