
Overwatch’s Torbjorn Is Being Nerfed, Here’s How and When

According to Game Director Jeff Kaplan, the new patch will see the damage of Torbjorn’s turret reduced by 30%.


If you’ve played Overwatch, you’d know that each character has their own unique abilities to help you win your fight against other players.

Overwatch’s master of the turret, Torbjorn, will soon have one of his most important weapons nerfed. “PC will remain unchanged”, Kaplan said in the thread.

On a game where mouse-and-keyboard controls allow for greater accuracy than console gamepads, the hero’s auto-aiming turret can make him an overpowering force to take down opponents with precision on consoles. The argument here is that console players are understandably less accurate than PC players, so it would be hard taking out Torbjorn’s turrets without them pinging your location and, ultimately, disposing of you.

This is a good time to address the issue, since devs are planning to release their competitive mode around sometime in July, and the beta testing for ranked play is already underway.

The exact date won’t be decided until the patch has been certified by Microsoft and Sony.


I’m a little bummed because I was one of those players that could dominate the field with Torbjörn. We will keep you updated.

Overwatch's Torbjorn Is Being Nerfed, Here's How and When