
Brexit vote leaves United Kingdom divided

While the United Kingdom as a whole voted by 52 percent to 48 percent in favour of leaving the European Union, 56 percent of those in Northern Ireland favoured staying.


The British Prime Minister David Cameron said in an address that the country will need a new Prime Minister by October as he will continue only for the next three months. We may well see Scotland hold another referendum, and leave the United Kingdom in short order.

Mr Salmond, who stood down as SNP leader after losing the 2014 independence referendum, told the BBC that there had been “a very strong turn out in Scotland and it’s a very strong vote so far for Remain”. With the exception of London, England voted massively to leave the EU.

Asked if he thought Nicola Sturgeon would now push for a second independence vote, the former first minister answered: “Yes I do”.

“It puts Scotland in an interesting place – but not in a place where the SNP leadership wanted it to be”, said the prominent United Kingdom and Scottish political commentator, Gerry Hassan, speaking to Al Jazeera.

“I am anxious about the United Kingdom result overall, but it would seem that Scotland has chosen to remain a part of the EU”.

Other parts of Scotland to vote to stay in the European Union included Midlothian, Renfrewshire, West Dunbartonshire and Clackmannanshire. British voters are Googling the European Union less than 12 hours after having voted to leave it.

“There was less than 10,000 voted in it for North Ayrshire and to me, that’s not an bad lot of votes and I think the vote nationally is going to be closer than anyone expects”. Should the political effects of the Brexit happen and the United Kingdom eventually disintegrate, IPOB, and its supporters will only get louder in their demands for a similar referendum here, and England, the only part of the United Kingdom that may maintain an interest in meddling in Nigerian affairs will no longer be in a position to offer unconditional support to Abuja.

“I think all this nonsense about Scotland being more pro is just that”. There’s even been talk of another Scottish independence referendum if that happens. Will they call for a second referendum on cessation from the UK?

By 3am, they were hunched around a live news feed, fearing the worst.

London was the only English region, but not the only English city or town, to back Remain.

The U.K. has voted to leave the European Union, and in return, Scotland looks ready to leave the U.K. The Brexit will have many consequences, but Scottish independence might be the most extreme.

“If we get put out of Europe … then there will be another referendum”.

A row has broken out between Labour and the SNP after lower than expected turnout in Scotland led to accusations that Nicola Sturgeon’s party failed to do enough to encourage people to vote.


In Moray, in the north east of Scotland, the vote to stay in Europe was by the narrowest of margins. You share the same fear of immigrants; the same yearning for your old country, an uncorrupted utopia that exists only in your memory; the same distrust of globalism; that seem to have driven many “leave” Brexit voters. However, all opinion polls so far suggest the electorate would be against separation.

EU referendum: 'Remain' vote could still trigger political instability in the UK