
Trump Calls Elizabeth Warren ‘Racist’ and ‘a Total Fraud’

“I’m a daughter of a maintenance man who made it all the way to the United States Senate, and Hillary Clinton is the granddaughter of a factory worker who’s going to make it all the way to the White House”, she said.


“I’m here today because of her”, said Warren, a champion of the party’s liberal base, before 2,600 cheering supporters at the historic Cincinnati Museum Center a Union Terminal.

Bill McIntruff, a Republican pollster who had helped conduct the Wall Street Journal/NBC survey, pointed out that if Trump could improve his campaign between June and November, Clinton would be vulnerable enough to defeat.

‘I do just love to see how he gets under Donald Trump’s thin skin, ‘ Clinton said.

But now that Liz Warren is around do the dirty work for her, Hillary seems more than happy to sit back and watch the Trump burns fly. Elizabeth Warren is a total fraud.

The Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget also says Democrat Hillary Clinton’s agenda – which relies on tax increases to pay for proposals such as expanding President Barack Obama’s health care overhaul – would increase the debt by about $250 billion over 10 years.

Warren, on the other hand, has backed Clinton and attacked Trump, the presumptive Republican nominee, with a tenacity that has raised speculation about her likelihood of receiving the nod to join Clinton as the vice presidential candidate on the Democratic ticket.

Warren has said she believed she had Cherokee ancestors – and denied she invented the heritage to gain a leg up in academia.

Most recently, Warren has been one of the sharpest voices heard speaking out against Republican Donald Trump, deriding him as a bully and “a small, insecure money grubber”.

“Now, Donald Trump says he’ll make America great again …” That’s a nod to Warren’s recent role as one of Trump’s most vocal critics.

“He will crush you into the dirt to get whatever he wants”, Warren said of Trump.

Republicans say they’re ready to attack whomever Clinton chooses, with the hopes of taking voters from Clinton by making them disillusioned with the vice presidential pick.

Hillary Clinton and Elizabeth Warren on the campaign trail in Ohio. As Hillary Clinton considers her choices for vice president, she’s seriously weighing the potential impact her choice could have on Democratic efforts to retake control of the Senate, according to members of her party familiar with her thinking.


The two women have formed a tight electoral alliance, one that could grow even closer should Warren be selected as Clinton’s running mate. Bernie Sanders in the Democratic primary spotlighted her struggle to win over liberal factions of her party and Warren’s formal backing earlier this month signaled an important stamp of approval.

Clinton Warren go after Trump at Cincinnati rally