
“Game of Thrones” Finale Sunday Caps a Season of Satisfaction

That season six moment, along with the events of “The Door” that introduced us to the beginning and the end of Hodor at the same time, have both been high points of the season by depending on television storytelling techniques where previous Game of Thrones twists – Balor in season one and The Red Wedding in season three – have depended on specifics of plotting from the novels. Not only is Jon a Stark but he is also a Targaryen relative of Daenerys. Asked what she thought about her character’s final scenes on the show, the actress commented: “It seemed an exciting, fitting way to depart. I don’t know if that was the intention or the case, and it’s been rectified in this season because I don’t think there’s been almost as much nudity as we are used to seeing on the show”.


Entertainment Weekly: So Dany finally left Meereen! But, oh bugger, I gotta learn how to rule.

Here at Elite Daily, we have some die-hard “GoT” fans. Ah, a revolt – bugger! No more slaves! Done!

As a bonus, she gets to torture Septa Unella with the help of the zombified Mountain. She has a fleet of ships, armies of the Unsullied and Dothraki and an allegiance with some of the Iron Islands. She had the whole place go up in flames alongside everyone inside.

And she’s got the confidence now too …

Exactly. She’s got the balls.

The Winterfell action concludes with Jon and Sansa having a tender moment and discussing the change of season in a way that’s poignant to longtime fans.

In an episode with its share of upsets, the grandest of all was Cersei seizing the Iron Throne – and in a manner that suggested everything she had suffered across the past two seasons had been part of her long game.

Varys must know the best travel agent in Westeros. So there’s the excitement of getting there and being with everyone else and also being like, “Yo!” Unfortunately, the High Sparrow underestimated Cersei, who was working on a scheme of her own, and it cost Margaery her life. You got dragons, the Unsullied and the Dothraki. “If they feel comfortable and it’s done in a way that they feel comfortable doing, then who am I to say anything?“. Though we have yet to see [Peter Dinklage] without his clothes on. The only thing missing is Jorah.

As the ever-treacherous Ramsay Bolton said to her before she set the hounds on him: “You can’t kill me…”

But poor King Tommen decided he’d had enough-and the last five seconds he spent with his feet on solid ground might be the latest “Game of Thrones” meme to infest Twitter. Because [the writers are] all, “Oh, do you like her?”

The show wouldn’t do this much foreshadowing if Sansa and Jon’s uncertain relationship isn’t going to play a big role in the coming season. It’s never been said.


Now that she’s back, she’s not going to waste any time burning through her kill list: “The Winds of Winter” sees her feeding Walder Frey’s kids to him in a pie before slicing his throat open. He could kill me. What we do know is that the show has started to make the most of the adaptation choices available, even if it is less coherent week to week than when they had all the specifics from Martin to go on. I could be dead before we even meet. Well, now we have nearly a year to figure out who will be in the next season of Game of Thrones. If you are holding a trial against a Cersei Lannister, it’s never fair. All I know is winter is coming … and I’m bringing the heat!

Game Of Thrones season six has finished and people's emotions are EVERYWHERE