
Bush calls courtship of minority voters integral to campaign

CNN has reached out to Bush’s campaign for comment on Clinton’s attack.


In his speech, Bush said Democratic policies have failed to fix the education system, perpetuating a cycle of inequality, unemployment and poverty.

“There are now literally 100 people financing the bulk of our presidential elections”, said Craig Holman, a government affairs lobbyist with Public Citizen, which advocates for consumers before Congress, the executive branch and the courts. This year, the Clintons boosted personal donations to their family charity, the Clinton Foundation, to between $5 million and $10 million. For a second Friday in Fort Lauderdale, it appeared as if subsequent yr’s basic election had already arrived.

Clinton didn’t name Bush when she spoke to the annual conference of the National Urban League, a civil-rights organization that welcomed five 2016 presidential candidates. “Too often we see a mismatch between what some candidates say in venues like this and what they actually do afterward”. They can’t rise if their governor makes it harder to get a college education.

This was the second time “right to rise” made an appearance at the conference, the first being when Hillary Clinton whacked Jeb! over the head with it on the same stage earlier in the day.

Clinton slipped in her speech several zingers, criticizing the achievements – or the lack thereof – of Mr. Bush who held the office of Governor in Florida from 1999 to 2007.

“George, he’s dark-skinned, and they spoke awful things about those from Miami”, Bush recalled, without offering details.

“The Urban League deserved better today”, Bush spokeswoman Allie Brandenburger said in a statement.

Clinton focused heavily on racial disparity, highlighting the “Black Lives Matter” movement as she explicitly named Trayvon Martin, Freddie Gray, Walter Scott and Sam DuBose as the marks of “senseless tragedy”.

He received applause Friday after saying during his term he transitioned the Confederate flag from the grounds of the Florida state Capitol to “a museum where it belongs”.

She pledged to work with the group to make sure all men, women, boys and girls are treated as equals.

“President Obama “is speaking the truth”, Bush said, repeating an Obama remark that ‘for too long we’ve been blind to the way past injustices continue to shape the present”.

The kinds of sharp attacks on Democrats – and President Barack Obama, in particular – that are de rigueur before conservative audiences would fall flat at the Urban League.

“Trust in our vital institutions is at historic lows, “Bush said. One police officer at a time”. One politician at a time.

Clinton said race “still plays a significant role in who gets ahead in America, and who gets left behind”.

“If you are indeed honest about being inclusive, then you need to first acknowledge your mistakes and unequivocally apologize directly the community you wronged”, she wrote this week in a letter to Bush.

Mrs Clinton needs to engage black voters – one of the Democrats’ most loyal constituencies. Much of that money has come from speeches given to groups with business before the federal government.

At one point, Sanders begged for the crowd’s indulgence to discuss his campaign platform before focusing on the “save our cities” subject of the gathering.

Carson, who retired to West Palm Beach and is the only major African-American presidential candidate, recounted his childhood growing up “in dire poverty” and thinking he would “probably never live beyond 25 years of age”. “This is about Americans doing some soul-searching and holding ourselves to account”.

He called on black parents to talk to their sons “about how they conduct themselves”.


“Many Republicans seem to think of Latin America as a land of crime and coups, rather than a place where free markets and free people are thriving”, Clinton said, adding that a dismissive view opens the door for China to assert itself as an economic superpower in the region.

Wilfredo Lee  AP