
Channing Tatum Has a Problem with Brock Turner’s Punishment

His thoughts about rape culture were that it was “a very real thing”.


Opponents of Persky’s ruling in the Stanford case point out the similarities between Ramirez’s case and the Turner case and the disparity between the rulings.

He then stopped and when police arrived he admitted to the assault and “wanted to say sorry”, one officer wrote in a police report.

But where Persky appears to have made exceptions in the case of Turner to keep him from serving meaningful jail time it does not seem he was overcome with the same compulsion to relieve any such suffering from Ramirez, who had to use a Spanish language interpreter in court and could not afford as strong of a defense team as Turner.

The disparity in the bail amounts and the sentences are despite the fact that the Ramirez case had many similarities to Turner’s, The Guardian further reported.

While convicted rapist Brock Turner serves three months (of a six-month sentence) in jail for sexually assaulting an unconscious classmate, many of us are still dealing with our anger over the light punishment-including Channing Tatum.

In both cases, the defendants were charged with sexual assault, yet Ramirez’s experience, starting from his arrest and throughout his experience with the legal system, is in stark contrast compared to Turner’s. Prosecutors had asked that the student be dealt a six year sentence.

Raul Ramirez is a 32-year-old immigrant from El Salvador who was recently convicted of sexually assaulting his female roommate.

Sexual assault cases in California can carry sentences of up to 14 years, but the Ramirez case is drawing sharp parallels to the Stanford sexual assault case, over which Judge Persky also presided and which resulted in a more lenient sentence.

Channing Tatum isn’t the only famous person to strongly disagree with Judge Persky’s handling of the case and the sentence he handed down to Brock Turner.

Critics suggest Persky could’ve helped Ramirez plead guilty to the lesser of two charges he was facing, which could’ve helped Ramirez avoid prison all together.

There is another caveat to the Turner case.

Ramirez did not enjoy such advantages during his case.


He also said he was a committed feminist, and spoke about how he wants to see change the rape culture he sees in today’s society to protect his daughter with wife Jenna Dewan Tatum.