
Johns County to host fireworks safety demo

American traditions of parades, cookouts, and fireworks help us celebrate the summer season, especially the Fourth of July.


Little said that most of the reasoning behind the strict rules on fireworks is for the safety of residents as well as to prevent fires from breaking out. Sparklers can reach a temperature of almost 1,200 Fahrenheit, which can cause third degree burns and permanent disfigurement. “That’s nearly six times hotter than boiling water”.

The person setting off fireworks could be liable for damage on any property.

Every year, an average of 20,000 fires are started from firework accidents.

Those wishing to report illegal firework activity can do so at the city’s website. Make sure to double check on that.

Malfunctioning or mishandling of fireworks accounted for 58 percent of reported cases.

“Fireworks and alcohol don’t mix”, said Freeman.

Read and follow all instructions and warnings.

· Obey all local laws regarding the use of fireworks.

Keep unused fireworks away from firing areas. Never relight one, either.

Fireworks should be launched from flat surfaces that are clear of any materials that could burn and away from buildings.

The law also prohibits people from igniting or discharging fireworks within 300 feet of any facility that permanently stores ignitable liquids or gases or within 300 feet of gasoline pumps or gasoline filling stations.

Sillay and Hudgens advised having a garden hose or bucket of water nearby.


While some will attend one of the area’s community fireworks shows, others will light up sparklers at family celebrations – and the OR state fire marshal has urged all to be aware of the rules regulating personal firework use and how to stay safe on America’s 240th birthday Monday. Its mission is to reduce the loss of life and property through prevention, education, and protection.