
Game of Thrones’ latest finale: Best episode ever?

“It’s two more seasons we’re talking about”, Benioff was quoted as saying on Monday. If you’re not willing to cheer “Yaaaaaas, girl” for Margaery, you’ve at least got to admire her dedication and ambition. And then that turned around and bit her when the new King in the North learned that she, you know, burned a young child to death for good luck.


George RR Martin, author of the A Song of Ice and Fire books on which Game of Thrones is based, might not be best pleased with rumours to shorten the seasons.

HBO has concluded Season 6 of its popular series “Game of Thrones” and the finale did not disappoint as several storylines throughout the season have been tied up. And she doesn’t want to let him get at her anymore, now that he’s gone.

Some fans have taken that to mean that each of Dany’s three dragons must have a rider before she takes back the Iron Throne. Lyanna Mormont was brilliant again as she rallied the North together to fight together as one for the Starks. That single shot was so amzing you were nearly persuaded to overlook undeniable flaws as the show took its leave for the year the finger snapped death and the predictable final close-up of Daenerys and her dragons on the route to Westeros. During his creepy uncle routine in the Gods-wood Lord Baelish planted the seed of a very unsafe idea in the Stark princess’s head: that she would be better off as Littlefinger’s queen than her half-brother’s loyal follower. Of course, that could also just have been one last jerk moment in Tywin’s jerk-moment-filled life.

Are you still reeling from that Thrones finale? “That’s so much of what is to come that I’ll just give it away if I start delving into it now”.

Totally. She tirelessly has worked so hard to get Winterfell back and constantly been battling with these men, trying to prove herself as a real contender and a real player, and she kind of feels like she deserves the recognition for it, but she’s not satisfied now. Arya ultimately decided the Faceless ways were not for her, but she took what she learned in training and returned to Westeros, where she swiftly assassinated the chief architect of her mother and brother’s deaths.

Game of Thrones continues to age well with audiences. It’s very, very exciting and Arya is such a little badass, she just keeps checking those people off her list.

If you’re not yet a fan, there’s plenty of time to binge-watch the first six seasons.


Think Daenarys’ conversation with her lover, in a fraught exchange on bringing him to Westeros as a mistress, when she’s finally ready to leave Meereen… and so many more examples I dare not share for fear of ruining your viewing experience! She’s as strong as her black garb demands and just as loyal. Both times, she dried her tears and quickly found another king-to-be to marry. Do you think Sansa and Jon will be at odds in Season 7?

Arya Stark's countenance is shown after killing Lord Walter Frey a scene of'Game of Thrones season 6 finale after killing Lord Walter Frey