
Trump to take on trade deals in Pennsylvania speech

The business mogul said the U.S.’ dependency on foreign countries restricts it from economic prosperity and calls for reversing “two of the worst legacies of the Clinton years”, the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) and China’s entry into the World Trade Organization (WTO).


Trump criticized the North American Free Trade Agreement as a United States job killer, saying he would be willing to scrap the pact if Canada and Mexico were unwilling to budge.

“Singh visited the U.S. in September 2008 to lobby for a deal allowing India to obtain civilian nuclear technology; then-Senator Clinton assured him democrats would not block the deal”, the Trump report states.

Trump heads later to St. Clairsville, Ohio, for a rally at the eastern campus of Ohio University.

While Clinton has offered a “detailed plan to boost American manufacturing”, Brown said Trump has “high-priced accountants” who are “cashing checks from products that he’s had manufactured in other countries”.

Democratic consultant Doug Rubin, who helped launch the political careers of Deval Patrick and Elizabeth Warren, told me on Boston Herald Radio, “There’s so much to work with if you are trying to show that Donald Trump is not fit to be president that you don’t need to go that extra mile in order to do things that are not 100 percent accurate”.

Trumka will acknowledge on Tuesday that Clinton was pushed to reject the pending 12-nation Trans-Pacific Partnership during her primary campaign after pressure from progressives within her party, including Sanders, who now says he will vote for Clinton in November although he has not withdrawn from the race.

Trump’s speech also comes as his campaign has hinted at a shift in one of his most controversial policies – temporarily banning all foreign Muslims from the U.S. Tuesday’s remarks are also on the same day as the House Select Committee on Benghazi drops its report on the terrorist attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, Libya, which Republicans have used to attack Clinton’s leadership as secretary of state.

Trump is set to give the speech, billed by the campaign as “Declaring American Economic Independence”, at Alumisource, a raw material producer for the aluminum and steel industries in Monessen, Pennsylvania, an hour south of Pittsburgh.

Echoing his mantra of “America First”, Trump vowed to use only American steel – and aluminum – on USA road, bridge, and construction projects, employing only American workers.

Trump’s opposition to rigged trade agreements is nothing new. Luckily for Clinton, the media prefers to talk about Trump’s comments and not her dirty tricks. But people who live in Monessen, especially those against Trump, questioned why a Democratic mayor would invite the Republican candidate.

In a radio ad produced for Americans for Limited Government, Trump called USA president Barack Obama’s proposed trade deal with Pacific rim nations a “bad, bad deal for American businesses, for workers, for taxpayers”.

Holmes quickly followed up to signal that the Chamber’s criticism of Trump’s trade positions won’t soon be ending. About one-quarter said blacks were more “lazy” than whites.

Trump linked his old-school trade policies to the United Kingdom’s vote on Thursday to leave the European Union.

In a speech, he said: “They’re so used to having their own way”.

“I think we should not allow our companies to manufacture overseas”, said Carol Jacobelli, 75, a retired tax accountant from Trafford, Pa.

Still, the Pew study found an overall majority supporting free trade. “I hope Trump can find ways to stop it”.

“She is a globalist”, he said.


Among Trump supporters and others, Hassett said, “there is a view that people are losing control of their government”.

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