
Florida Confirms Birth Defects after Mom gets Zika Abroad

“Now that a baby has been born in our state with adverse impacts from Zika, it is clear that every available resource is needed to prevent local transmissions in our state”, Scott said in a press release.


The study was published June 28 in the journal Nature Communications.

Monkeys infected with Zika virus are protected from future infection, and pregnancy dramatically prolongs infection in monkeys, findings that could help fight the virus in people, UW-Madison researchers said Tuesday.

These similarities increase the chances that new vaccines are effective in humans, Barouch, adding that clinical trials “should start as quickly as possible”, he said. “But my concern for Zika virus in pregnancy is much higher now than it was six months ago”.

Few people infected with Zika need to go to the hospital, and they very rarely die of it. For this reason, many people may not even realize they are, or have been, infected. That suggests why it is so harmful to pregnant women and their babies.

Florida reported its first case of a baby born with the birth defect microcephaly, after the child’s mother was infected with the Zika virus while pregnant, officials said. Although the injection gave the mice complete immunity from the virus, that doesn’t mean it can be easily converted into a human vaccine.

“Dengue, which when we began our intensive campaign was present in 14 provinces and the special municipality of the Isla de la Juventud, today is present in only one municipality in Guantanamo province”, he said. “These travelers have gotten the virus from mosquito bites and some non-travelers got Zika through sex with a traveler”.

The list of affected areas where Zika disease is transmitted by mosquitoes includes many countries in the Caribbean and South and Central America.

Infections can be transmitted by an infected pregnant woman to her fetus and the virus can also be sexually transmitted by an infected man to his partner.

The mosquito-borne virus has been declared as a global public health emergency by the World Health Organisation. But Democrats and the White House appeared to balk at the House plan, which included provisions unrelated to fighting Zika.

Federal health officials have tracked four babies born in the USA with Zika-linked birth defects.


Beth Israel researchers teamed up with scientists at Walter Reed Army Institute of Research in Bethesda, Md., who have also developed an experimental vaccine, but one that uses the traditional deactivated virus technique.

Vaccines block Zika in mice boosting hopes for human jab