
Biden hosting cancer summit to try to accelerate research

Last May, Biden’s son, Delaware Attorney General Beau Biden, succumbed after a lengthy battle with brain cancer.


Vice President Joe Biden, whose son Beau died of cancer previous year, will be in the Cleveland area Wednesday to talk about his Cancer Moonshot initiative.

The UNM Comprehensive Cancer Center on Wednesday will host a panel of scientists to talk about cancer research in New Mexico at a local event timed to coincide with Vice President Joe Biden’s Cancer Moonshot Summit in Washington, D.C.

The Cancer Moonshot was announced on January 12, with President Barack Obama founding the official White House Cancer Moonshot Task Force two weeks later.

Biden called for a “moonshot” to find a cure for cancer in the wake of losing his oldest son Beau, former Delaware Attorney General, to a almost two-year battle with brain cancer.

“The Moonshot can not be achieved by one person, one organization, one discipline, or even one collective approach”, Biden said in a statement. “Together we can again cement Purdue’s place in a historic moonshot initiative and help end cancer as we know it”. It’s going to require millions of Americans speaking up and contributing what they’re able.

Delaware’s cancer incidence rate ranks second in the United States, though there has been progress in decreasing the state’s cancer mortality rate, according to the most up-to-date statistics for the state.

Tim Ratliff is the director of the Purdue Center for Cancer Research, and he stopped by News 18 This Morning to discuss the summit.

The goal of the summit is to spur discussions throughout the country and open the door for new collaborations, while creating a formal mechanism for individuals and organizations representing all types of cancers to have direct engagement with the Cancer Moonshot Initiative.


The Cancer Moonshot aims to expand the very fabric on which BCRF was founded: to unite with others around research-the only way we’ll achieve a future beyond cancer. It’s a national movement to build upon cancer research and hopefully find a cure some day.

VP Joe Biden in Cleveland area Wednesday