
McConnell: Trump needs to close cash deficit ‘fast’

“We have our budgets in place”.


Will advised remaining Republicans to actively work to ensure Donald Trump loses in order to save the reputation of the party. According to filings released by the Federal Election Commission (FEC), Clinton had $42.5 million in cash at the beginning of June, 32 times more than Trump’s $1.3 million cash reserve.

In May, Clinton out-raised him.

Sunday on ABC’s “This Week”, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) refused to answer twice if presumptive Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump is qualified to be president.

Is Donald Trump qualified to be president?

The anti-Trump activists have just over two and a half weeks before the Convention Rules Committee meets in Cleveland prior to the convention.

Colorado delegates Kendal Unruh and Regina Thomson are cultivating the anti-Trump movement and encouraging others to join.

Speaking to the New York Times Sunday, Trump said that if Cruz and Kasich fail to wholeheartedly endorse him without restrictions, he doesn’t see a need to welcome them to the convention dais.

Former nominees Mitt Romney and Sen. Gordon Humphrey, a former John Kasich surrogate, to Sunday’s call.

Support for US Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump has plummeted to 39 per cent, a new poll shows.

The Trump campaign and many top GOP officials are working to defeat the anti-Trump forces, including lobbying delegates and making sure that establishment party supporters dominate the convention’s crucial rules committee.

“Delegates were elected to represent Michigan Republicans and enter the RNC Convention pledged to vote for a specific candidate for president. changing the rules right in the middle of the game would disenfranchise record numbers of Republicans who voted in the selection process this year”, the statement read.

He didn’t call on Trump to spend his own money, but said he needs “way more” to compete against Clinton. “The American people will be able to make that decision in the fall”.

Asked if some of Trump’s proposals would be written into the GOP’s platform, McConnell also didn’t answer that question directly and instead said that it will be a “traditional Republican platform”. He said the transition to the general election is complete — but the details have not necessarily been made public. Gowdy, who said he was taking his family to the beach instead, hasn’t gone to conventions in the past and didn’t plan to now.


“I think a good step in the right direction was the changes he made in the campaign”, McConnell said.

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell