
Bobby Jindal: Sanctuary City Mayors Should Be Arrested

“Some of us have been sanctuary cities now for nearly 30 years, and some of what we’ve seen over that time period…is a growing respect and trust with every segment of our community”, he said, adding later, “Unfortunately that awful incident [in San Francisco] is being used to describe an entire population, and it’s being used by people like Bobby Jindal who say the most absurd, offensive things against one segment of the population”.


“The whole system is a mess because the federal system doesn’t work”, Rosenberg said during his monthly appearance on Boston Herald Radio on Tuesday morning.

Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal is making national headlines for suggesting that mayors of so-called “Sanctuary Cities” in the held criminally accountable when undocumented immigrants commit crimes in their cities. Curtatone shot again. “Nicely, come and get me”.

“More like, Deputy Barney Fife, has not arrested me yet”, Curtatone said.

Meanwhile, a super political action committee supporting Jindal has announced that it would run advertisement on the Fox News in the key battleground State of Iowa during the time of the main GOP debate.

“An act of desperation in a desperate campaign”.

In Jindal’s comments directed toward officials like Curtatone, the candidate referenced Kathryn Steinle, a woman who was murdered in San Francisco by an alleged illegal immigrant after being released from police custody.

“We’re looking at nonviolent crimes, situations where an individual is acting out, not taking they’re meds – they don’t belong in a jail cell, they belong in a treatment program”, Rosenberg said.

Rosenberg said illegal immigrants should be encouraged to pursue citizenship and the government needs to find a way to help them do so.

The aspiring viral video is just the latest in what is apparently becoming a right of passage for presidential candidates in the 2016 race – particularly those looking to boost their name I.D. and get a bump in the polls.

Jindal further advocated for such substantive measures while speaking on the “Boston Herald Radio” show on Monday.

The plan calls for Congress to pass legislation that would make city officials “an accessory” to those crimes and give victims’ families standing to sue.


“As a loyal Democrat my thoughts on the Republicans are useless to everybody”, he said.

Republican presidential candidate Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal speaks at the Family Leadership Summit in Ames Iowa