
US Pacific forces within missile range, says N Korea

North Korea leader Kim Jong Un said after supervising the test launch of an intermediate-range missile that the country now has the capability to attack United States interests in the Pacific, official media reported on Thursday.


North Korea leader Kim Jong-un said after supervising the test launch of an intermediate-range missile that the country now has the capability to attack American interests in the Pacific, official media reported yesterday. South Korea and the United States strongly condemned the back-to-back test fire as it violates the U.N. Resolution.

Experts and government officials said the Musudan launch marked another worrying step forward for a weapons programme that ultimately aspires to develop an intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) capable of delivering a nuclear strike on the USA mainland. The first one exploded in mid-air, but the second missile was deemed successful and most effective up to date, flying about 400 kilometers before landing in the East Sea, according to South Korean military.

North Korea tested two Musudan medium-range missiles just hours apart on Wednesday.

Power stressed that as North Korea continues testing missiles that could deliver nuclear weapons, “they make progress and they learn things”.

Approval of the press statement by the U.N.’s most powerful body followed an emergency council meeting on Wednesday called by the United States and Japan after consulting South Korea.

Following the North’s long-range missile test in February, Seoul and Washington launched official talks about placing a Terminal High Altitude Area Defense battery in the South to bolster defense against missile threats from the communist nation.

“It doesn’t change much”, he said.

“We need to stay ahead of the threat”, Carter said.

“The three nations shared the view that North Korea’s provocations will further strengthen the worldwide community’s resolve to press the North to stop such behavior”, the ministry said in a statement.

Those people, companies and individuals could be added to the United Nations sanctions blacklist and be subjected to a global asset freeze and travel ban.

“The members of the Security Council further regretted that the DPRK is diverting resources to the pursuit of ballistic missiles while DPRK citizens have great unmet needs”, it said.

Members reiterated “the importance of maintaining peace and stability on the Korean peninsula and in northeast Asia”, and expressed the council’s commitment to “a peaceful, diplomatic and political solution to the situation”.


The launch was condemned by the global community and the UN Security Council met for closed-door consultations on how best to respond.

North Korean dictator Kim Jong-Un