
Supreme Court denies Wisconsin abortion appeal

“The Supreme Court’s decision made crystal clear that laws like Alabama, Mississippi, and Wisconsin’s that rely on sham justifications to prevent a woman from having an abortion are unconstitutional”.


“Fourteen states have already passed bills that would say once an unborn child has reached the stage of development where it can feel pain, abortion is not allowed”, she describes.

Texas Republican legislative leaders promised to continue their fight against abortion next year, suggesting they will look for ways to impose new restrictions on clinics in the wake of Monday’s Supreme Court ruling striking down two of the state’s major abortion rules as unconstitutional.

“Today’s decision from a divided court is a prime example of activist jurists imposing their will on the people”, Walker said of Monday’s ruling.

The move is an important win for women and their access to reproductive health care, said Susan Appleton, the Lemma Barkeloo & Phoebe Couzins Professor of Law at Washington University in St. Louis and a noted expert on family law and reproductive rights. “Texas’ goal is to protect innocent life, while ensuring the highest health and safety standards to women”. The center and other abortion rights groups said it would effectively make abortions illegal in North Dakota because it could make it impossible for doctors to meet the number of hospital visits required to gain admitting privileges.

The nation’s highest court held that the Texas regulations are medically unnecessary and unconstitutionally limit a woman’s right to an abortion. The agreement also requires the physicians performing abortions at the clinic to maintain admitting privileges as long as the law remains in effect and that additional physicians to get admitting privileges, too. “The opinion by the 7th Circuit Court of Appeals stands and those portions of our law addressed by the decision are now permanently enjoined”. But the Supreme Court’s ruling on Monday in the Texas case, providing its most stout endorsement of abortion rights since 1992, could imperil a variety of these state laws.

Kansas lawmakers passed similar requirements in 2011, but that law has been temporarily blocked pending trial in Shawnee County.


The Fargo clinic filed a lawsuit challenging the law as a violation of the state’s constitution and criticizing it as an attempt to shutter the state’s only abortion clinic. Other measures included banning an abortion if a fetal heartbeat can be detected, which could be as early as six weeks into a pregnancy and before some women know they are pregnant.

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