
Schumer enlists actress cousin in push for stronger gun control

Schumer appeared at a news conference earlier Monday with her cousin, New York Senator Chuck Schumer, calling for stricter gun laws.


The actress says “hate” directed at her is nothing new, especially as she has broached hot-button political issues in her comedy routines before.

At the press conference, Schumer stated how serious she is about being an advocate for gun control. “Unless something is done, and done soon, unsafe people will continue to get their hands on guns”.

The Schumers said Dylan Roof, the suspect in the Charleston mass shooting earlier this year, passed a background check only because of loopholes in the current system.

The press conference was aimed at promoting legislation that Senator Schumer plans to roll out this week.

US states who failed to submit relevant records into this system would be punished, while those who complied would be rewarded. The shooter had a history of decades of mental health problems, including an involuntary commitment for being a danger to himself and others.

Those programs are in jeopardy as the Senate is considering cutting the $159 million that keeps them afloat, according to Sen.

While watching Amy Schumer’s movie “Trainwreck” at the Grand 16 Theatre, John Russell Houser allegedly stood up and starting shooting, killing two women, and injuring nine others, The Wrap reported.

This comes after Sarah Clements – the daughter of a Sandy Hook teacher – had asked Amy Schumer in an open letter whether she was going to step up.

Amy Schumer said that reform is necessary. My thoughts and love go out to the victims and anyone touched by this madness or any madness.

“I am so proud to be related to the senator”, said Amy Schumer.

“Preventing risky people from getting guns is very possible”, said the 34-year-old.

Amy Schumer and Sen.


When these sort of things happen we mourn, and then we get mad, and it’ll just make us fight harder.

Amy Schumer appeared on one of Jon Stewart's final episodes of The Daily Show on Monday