
Nobody Is Buying Kim Kardashian’s Book

Selfish did not meet with the kindest reception when it came out in May, with many criticising the lack of care taken with printing, and the fact that certain parts of Kim K disappeared into the crease when opening the pages.


It looks like there is hope for society after all, because the numbers are in, and Kim Kardashian’s selfie book that was released in May, appropriately titled Selfish, was a complete and total financial flop.

According to Radar Online, book sales are nothing short of a disaster!

Nielsen Bookscan figures published by Radar Online on Monday showed only 32,000 copies of the book sold in the United States in the last three months, with the website dubbing it a “flop”. This figure represents just 0.8% of Kardashian’s Instagram followers. (*Nielsen BookScan’s U.S. Consumer Market Panel now covers approximately 85% of the print book market and continues to grow.).

I wonder how many copies Kim bought herself?

At least, however, it didn’t sell as badly as Kendall and Kylie Jenner’s sic-fi novel, Rebels: City of Indra.

Why buy the cow when the milk is free?

Don’t they get that Kim Kardashian is, like, a literary, feminist genius on par with the Bronte sisters and Virginia Woolf? The bottom line is that whoever wants to see selfies of her can simply follow her on social media or even better, google her name to find hundreds of hundreds of pics of her.


Tabloid media revealed that the book released in May, which contains over 350 pages of photos of the curvaceous reality star, was purchased by only 32,000 people inspite of a relentless marketing campaign.

Kim Kardashian's Selfie Book Flops