
First responders remind the public to be responsible with fireworks

Prince William County Department of Fire and Rescue Chief Kevin McGee encourages residents to leave fireworks demonstrations to trained professionals.


Fireworks, despite several discussions in the Iowa Legislature, remain illegal in Iowa. Miller believes eventually the law will change in Iowa because fireworks are a revenue producer; 40 states across the nation actually have no fireworks laws, he noted.

But even those seemingly innocent items can be unsafe. Possession of unsafe fireworks, like M-80s or cherry bombs, constitute a felony and could result in fines of up to $5,000 and imprisonment.

Make sure to keep a bucket of water or a fire extinguisher around in case something does go wrong.

Typical fireworks problems in the past have included aerial skyrockets of varying sizes, from bottle rockets to three inch mortar launched shells.

The injury surveillance system, maintained by the Consumer Product Safety Commission, tracks injuries involving consumer products.

Children often suffer serious injuries from sparklers, which can burn at temperatures up to 2,000 degrees.

Always have adult supervision and never allow children to play with or ignite fireworks.

Another danger associated with fireworks is fire damage. “Pay attention to what is above you because fireworks like to fly and light, so make sure there are no overhangs or wires or anything like that”.

But the risk of a structure fire caused by fireworks is not to be dismissed, especially in Ottumwa’s drought conditions. No matter how breathtaking fireworks are or how easy they appear to use, they are potential fire starters. You’ll also need that bucket to dispose of your used fireworks.

In addition, NFPA reports that 47 percent of fires reported on Independence Day were started by fireworks, more than any other cause of fire.

In 2014, nine people nationwide actually died due to firework-related accidents, and in at least two instances, the victims were not the users.

Actually, Missouri City considers fireworks a public nuisance; it’s illegal to even possess them there.

Gillespie said people should only buy legal fireworks. Those who are cited will have to appear in court, where the judge would determine the fine, he added.


Drive through most USA cities right now and you’ll see fireworks stands on the side of the road and people lining up, eager to show their patriotism through pyrotechnics.

First responders remind the public to be responsible with fireworks