
Abortions in Texas plummeted after now-overturned law

According to the New York Times, the High Court ” found that Texas” restrictions – requiring doctors to have admitting privileges at nearby hospitals and clinics to meet the standards of ambulatory surgical centers – violated Casey’s prohibition on placing an “undue burden’ on the ability to obtain an abortion”.


It remains to be seen the effects of what the Supreme Court decision will do.

The ruling has major implications in Florida, which enacted its own Texas-style law on abortion clinics this year.

President Obama hailed the ruling and said that the Texas restrictions was risky to women’s health and posed an obstacle in women’s reproductive rights.

Walker signed Wisconsin’s law on July 5, 2013, and required providers to have privileges in place three days later.

But Gosnell’s crimes had nothing to do with the lack of hospital-like facilities or admitting privileges. The Texas law being challenged in the case would have closed most of the abortion clinics in the state. That amounted to restricting access to abortions, they argued.

“We’ve reached a tipping point”, said Helene Krasnoff, senior director of public policy litigation and law at the Planned Parenthood Action Fund.

More than half of USA adults (56 percent) say abortion should be legal in all or most cases, compared to 41 percent who say it should be illegal all or most of the time, according to the Pew Research Center.

Donald Trump on Thursday responded to a landmark Supreme Court ruling earlier this week on abortion, telling radio host Mike Gallagher that if Trump had been president, the court would have reached a different decision.

Victoria Cobb with The Family Foundation says she is disappointed with the court’s decision.

Hopefully the judge will hold the law’s backers to the same standards as the Supreme Court: requiring them to go beyond rhetoric that they’re protecting women’s health to actually proving it.

Anyone in an emergency situation can be admitted to a hospital via a doctor in the hospital’s ER regardless of admitting privileges at any clinic or doctor’s office. The American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists urged its members in 2015 to pressure Arizona Gov. Doug Ducey to veto a similar bill on the grounds that the medical advice is unscientific and could be unsafe.

Anti-abortion leaders have vowed to continue opposing the procedure in Texas’ Republican-controlled Legislature.


Some states have pursued a variety of restrictions on abortion, including banning certain types of procedures, prohibiting it after a certain number of weeks of gestation, requiring parental permission for girls until a certain age, imposing waiting periods or mandatory counseling, and others.

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