
Microsoft to help track legalised marijuana sales

The technological software giant Microsoft has always been perceived to be a very conservative company but this might change soon. The software will monitor the entire process, from growth and harvest of marijuana plants to sales in stores, entering a special niche in the marijuana market.


Microsoft’s partnership with KIND Financial marks the start of major companies putting their moneys behind legal cannabis drugs. This is a particularly valuable tool for the USA states who have legalised marijuana for therapeutic purposes or for personal use, to prevent criminal infiltration and to operate tight control over all stages of the ” assembly line, from cultivation to retail in coffee shops, as well as in licensed pharmacies.

Microsoft will be one of the pioneer big companies to get involved in the weed business, as the U.S. – and the rest of the world – start to legalize and make money off the herb. It’s part of the Microsoft Azure Government cloud. Matt Cook, the former Colorado Department of Revenue senior official who wrote some of the first government regulations in the country for medical marijuana businesses, will work as a “special adviser on government matters” to KIND.

In a statement to The Independent, a Microsoft spokesperson said that the company is supporting government customers and partners to help them their mission.

Nelson also noted how KIND agreed that Azure Government is the only cloud platform created to meet government standards for cannabis compliance programs, which are subject to strict scrutiny.

Microsoft’s “Agrisoft Seed to Sale for Government” is hub to the platform. Twenty more states have legalised marijuana for medical use only. “It’s only going to encourage other companies to do it.At this point, it would be imprudent not to figure out how or where your company would profit from the emergent cannabis space”, St. Pierre, executive director of NORML, a nonprofit advocating for marijuana law reform, told The Huffington Post on Friday. “As the industry is regulated, there will be more transactions, and we believe there will be more sophisticated requirements and tools down the road”, he added. Kind will run its technology through the Microsoft Azure government cloud. Its recreational use is already legal in several states, and a few more, including the state of California, will go to vote on it this fall.


Inez is an editorial intern at Law Street from Raleigh, NC.

Microsoft and Kind tie up to ensure legal weed is compliant to US government norms