
Donald Trump deletes tweet showing Hillary Clinton and star of David image

“In many ways, what you outline as a foreign policy is the exact opposite of Donald Trump and seems really closer to Hillary Clinton”, Todd asked. Todd asked. “You just did a whole speech, by the way, earlier this weekend”. But you did not make a case for him.


“Fine”, said Todd, “but you just gave the case against Clinton. And she has been responsible for numerous worst decisions of the Obama administration”. “Donald Trump can ultimately make the case for himself”, he said.

Cotton – who said last week he was not talking to Trump’s staff about a role in the billionaire’s campaign – said he will continue to use his position to influence the county’s foreign policy, no matter who ends up as the commander in chief. “But Donald Trump, like most Americans, like most Republicans, believe in protecting America’s core national interests”, Cotton parried.

Donald Trump on Saturday deleted a tweet critical of Hillary Clinton after he came under fire for evoking anti-Semitic stereotypes with dollar bills and the jewish symbol star of david, a six-pointed star.

He added that he agrees with the presumptive GOP nominee that the American government is not doing enough to combat radical Islamic extremism and the Islamic State terror group.

“And we’re living with the consequences of it now”, Cotton continued.

Sen. Tom Cotton (R-Ark.) walks to the Senate Republican policy luncheon, on Capitol Hill February 23, 2016 in Washington, D.C.

When it comes time to vigorously defend their party’s standard-bearer, a slew of prominent elected Republicans have been coming up empty, dodging Trump-related questions as if waltzing on eggshells. Cotton didn’t deny that was the case: “Maybe I don’t just demonstrate enthusiasm much in life, Chuck, especially in such unsafe times as these”.

Trump has vowed to be a strongly pro-Israel president and has noted on the campaign trail that his daughter Ivanka, the wife of businessman Jared Kushner, is an Orthodox Jew.


Darrell West, vice president and director of governance studies of the Brookings Institution, said that the Istanbul attack gives Trump ammunition on why the world is a unsafe place and why America needs a strong leader to defend itself.

Donald Trump