
Pakistan will celebrate Eid Al Fitr tomorrow

Ramadan takes place in the ninth month of the Islamic calendar and runs for the duration of the lunar month.


Here’s all you need to know on the biggest event in the Muslim calendar.

Muslims celebrate the end of Ramadan with a meal.

Eid al-Fitr marks the end of the fasting month of Ramadan.

Accordingly, it has been chose to shift the Id-ul-Fitr holiday to 7th July, 2016 in place of 6th July, 2016 as notified earlier.

Ramadan was marked by violence this year, with a series of terrorist attacks at several areas dominated by Muslims.

This year, Eid is being looked forward to more than usual as the long daylight hours has led to the toughest Ramadan fast so far this century.

As well as fasting in the daytime, they also undertake extra prayers, as a means to grow closer to Allah.

Meanwhile, the Australian National Crescent Sighting Coordination Centre has announced that the Shawwal moon sighting in the country will be conducted on Monday, July 4, 2016.

The celebrations involve a range of traditions, generally including a gathering of family and friends to eat and pray together.

Is anyone exempt from fasting? .

Children are also not expected to fast, although they do occasionally join parents on “half-fasts”. Muslims at the World Cup, for example, were allowed to miss the fast as it would be detrimental to their competitiveness in the competition. But it is a personal choice.

All shades of crime and sin should not be re-visited when Ramadan ends.

Through the ritual of observing the moon based on Koran rules, the imams of mosques around Taiwan have decided that Eid al-Fitr this year will be celebrated on July 6, he said.


Many mosques in the South celebrated Eid al-Fitr a day before most of the rest of the country.

How countries around the world celebrate Eid