
GOP Rep. sides with Comey over Trump on Clinton emails

“Our adversaries nearly certainly have a blackmail file on Hillary Clinton, and this fact alone disqualifies her from service”, Trump said. His appearance with Clinton was a reminder that it was his appointee who declined to pursue criminal charges.


President Obama flew Clinton to Charlotte on Air Force One, her campaign paying her cost of travel to this battleground state. Clinton travelled to more than 100 countries during her four years as top USA diplomat, including trips to China and Russian Federation, considered among the most sophisticated United States cyber adversaries.

But as they stepped off the plane together, the developments in Washington played out on a split screen on cable news, as current State Department spokesman John Kirby got a grilling over Comey’s remarks.

The chairman of the House Judiciary Committee is calling the timing of FBI Director James Comey’s recommendation in Hillary Clinton’s email case “uniquely troubling”.

“Clinton continuing her campaign trail and remaining silent about the investigation, appearing in North Carolina with President Obama by her side”.

“The FBI’s findings are a glaring indictment of Hillary Clinton’s complete lack of judgment, honesty, and preparedness to be our next commander-in-chief”, said RNC chief Reince Priebus, exploiting the opening Comey provided.

Later, Obama and Clinton dropped in unannounced at Midwood Smokehouse, a barbecue place in Charlotte.

At the time, the attorney general told reporters she did not discuss the Federal Bureau of Investigation probe into Clinton’s private email server with the former commander in chief.

“It’s not a completely triumphant day for Hilary Clinton…she’s sort of out of the woods in terms of facing criminal action, but in terms of the court of public opinion, [she] still has a lot of work to do to try and earn back the trust of the American voter”.

Given all that has passed between Clinton and Obama over the years, it was a fascinating moment in itself.

She said Obama was a man that “I was honored to stand with in the good times and the bad times, someone who has never forgotten where he came from”.

“I know I’ve gone on too long – that’s what happens (when) you haven’t campaigned in a while”.

“We may have gone toe to toe, from coast to coast, but we stood shoulder to shoulder for the ideals that we share”, Obama said.

Republican criticism of the process heated up after Clinton’s husband, former President Bill Clinton, met privately with Lynch in Phoenix last week.

The Obama administration will not make her face any legal consequences.


“She will be a wonderful president”. “Also, she didn’t want people to know the details about her botched decisions in Libya, Syria, Iraq and Egypt that destabilized the Middle East”, Trump alleged.

FBI Recommends'No Charges in Clinton Investigation