
Israel announces plans for hundreds of new settler homes

Israel said it welcomed the Quartet’s recognition of Palestinian incitement and violence but it was not happy with the criticism of settlement building.


The report from the diplomatic Quartet – the United States, European Union, United Nations and Russian Federation – also called on Palestinians to halt attacks and incitement to violence.

The Israeli government has announced plans to build 800 new homes for Israeli settlers in and around occupied East Jerusalem, Israeli daily newspaper Haaretz reported Sunday night.

The settlement, established in 1975, already has a population of 37,000.

The plan also called for over 600 new homes in an Arab neighborhood of east Jerusalem.

UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon has denounced Israels decisions to move forward with new constructions in the West Bank and East Jerusalem, urging Israel to halt and reverse such decisions in the interest of peace and a just final status agreement.

Hallel Yaffa Ariel was sleeping when a Palestinian teenager entered her house in Kiryat Arba, a settlement near Hebron, and killed her Thursday.

The day before, a Palestinian teen stabbed a 13-year-old Israeli-American girl to death as she slept in her bedroom in a West Bank settlement.

Earlier on Sunday, Israeli security forces Sunday morning detained six Palestinians in the greater Hebron area, including Tarayrah’s sister.

A relative of Tarayra, 27-year-old Sarah Tarayra, was also shot and killed by security forces after allegedly pulling out a knife in Hebron.

The amount is to be cut by the equivalent of the fiscal support paid to militants’ families, Netanyahu’s office said.

“We will continue operating against terror in all places and at all times in a determined, aggressive manner”, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said.

Netanyahu’s government is however considered the most right-wing in Israel’s history, with key members of his cabinet strong supporters of settlement building and opponents of a Palestinian state.

There were no immediate reports about casualties among the People’s Mujahideen Organisation of Iran (PMOI), it said, adding that some of the rockets missed their targets and hit a village near Ameriyah district in western Baghdad, wounding several civilians.

The Israeli military’s occupation of Hebron has seen the closure of Shuhada Street, the main thoroughfare and business center for Palestinians in the city, and checkpoints in the center of the city severely restricting the movement of Palestinians.

The murder sparked outrage and prompted Israel to lock down Hebron, a flashpoint city in the occupied Palestinian territory.

Four Palestinians were lightly wounded in the clashes, according to an AFP reporter. Tarayrah was shot and killed at the scene of the attack.


The violence had subsided in recent weeks, before a deadly shooting at a Tel Aviv cafe by two Palestinians on June 8 and last week’s attacks.

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