
Clinton email scandal gets worse after not being charged by Federal Bureau of Investigation

Do you agree with Comey’s decision?


Petraeus told Paula Broadwell, his biographer, in a recorded conversation in 2011 that the black books he was giving her were “highly classified” and contained “code word stuff”, prosecutors said.

Through Whitewater and Travelgate, Gennifer Flowers and Monica Lewinsky, opponents have cast the Clintons as politicians who do just enough to stay within the law – and use powerful connections to help them do so.

The sticking point is Comey’s use of the phrase “extremely careless”, Hosko said. The Justice Department didn’t comment.

She was upset with FBI Director James Comey for speaking negatively about her favorite presidential candidate, and claimed he was helping Republicans. “Director Comey made no mention of the foundation today or whether the FBI is investigating it, at all”. But the way in which Director James Comey did so makes it unlikely criticism of her judgment and character will fade before Election Day.

Comey said there were no previous cases that supported filing criminal charges against Clinton. Mukasey continued, “I had staff who were there largely, or often, to tap me on the shoulder and say, ‘don’t do this, ‘ and those are the people you listen to”. “That’s not his job”.

Comey last navigated politics this turbulent in 2004, when he was deputy attorney general and he was at the center of a dramatic showdown with the White House over a surveillance program ordered by President George W. Bush. The FBI director called the actions of Clinton and her people “extremely careless”. Eight emails contained “top secret” information at the time they were sent.

But as the investigation drew to a close in the late spring, Comey began having other thoughts.

“Although [Comey’s] recommendation is there should be no criminal charges filed… he certainly had some very damning statements about her conduct”, Al Jazeera’s Kimberly Halkett said in Charlotte North Carolina, outside a Clinton campaign site.

Rep. Mike Turner of OH charged that “the investigation by the FBI is steeped in political bias”, and called for appointment of an independent counsel in the case. This would be a new source of secret revenue for Bill since he would lose millions from his speeches after Hillary becomes president. Lynch and the former president said they discussed nothing related to the probe and kept the visit to social matters.

Democrats on the committee attacked the decision as political. But it left much of her account in tatters and may have aggravated questions of trust swirling around her Democratic presidential candidacy.

Herridge noted that it wasn’t typical for Comey to not take questions after making a statement.

A day later, Clinton left her home in Washington and drove a few miles to Federal Bureau of Investigation headquarters for her long-awaited interview. “That is clearly what this looks like”, Ryan said.


“As the Department of Justice and inspectors general made clear, the IGs made a security referral”, the website said. He took to Twitter after the FBI’s press conference, proclaiming: “FBI director said Crooked Hillary compromised our national security”.
