
3 arrested outside Donald Trump event in Denver

Presumptive Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump called on Americans to turn in people they think could be terrorists without worrying whether they’ll be accused of racism or profiling.


Trump will still have a well of prominent supporters and party favorites to pull from, but the campaign is still working to line up speakers – both political and non-political types – and Trump has been intimately involved in approving and nixing ideas for the convention, a source familiar with the planning told CNN.

Sarah Palin on Republicans who refuse to support Donald Trump: “I shouldn’t call them thumb suckers”.

Despite being the Republican party’s presumptive nominee, Trump has dedicated large amounts of time in his recent speeches and rallies to rehashing past primary contests and attacking fellow Republicans – even if he has (mostly) stopped hitting them by name.

Trump announced Friday that his wife and children “are all going to be speaking” at the nominating convention that kicks off in just over two weeks.

“Folks, we’re talking about our sovereignty here, our solvency and security, our entire invaluable system of law and order in a republic bought with patriots’ and vets’ blood, sweat and tears”, said Mrs. Palin, the 2008 Republican vice presidential candidate.

“I think the message is getting stronger”. John McCain of Arizona, have also said they won’t attend the convention in Cleveland. “And I was really nasty to them”, Trump said of his Republican primary rivals.

Morse said his candidate of choice was Rand Paul, but Trump “won fair and square, and so I support him”.

And Morse said he has noticed a difference between Trump’s speeches geared to the primary election from those for the general election.

Trump concluded his remarks by saying he will make multiple returns to Colorado as the campaign continues.

“Those accusers are the silly protesters at Trump rallies”. “And there are more of us than the disconnected left can ever fathom”.

When it comes to fair trade, he said leaders in Washington are failing America.


Trump and the RNC named finance chairs in 33 states with the proceeds from the joint effort meant to help not only Trump at the top of the ticket – but GOP candidates for Congress, the Senate and other offices as well. “It looked good, and I was looking forward to it”, Trump recounted.

Donald Trump Faces Rocky Terrain in Colorado