
Louisiana police shooting caught on video strains community

A second video, recorded by a local shopkeeper from a different angle, has now emerged.


The 48-second video shows two police officers pushing Sterling down to the ground.

Someone yells “he’s got a gun!”.

Michael Brown – 18-year-old shot at least seven times in Ferguson, Missouri, in August 2014, sparking nationwide protests.

Toronto rapper Drake has published a powerful statement mourning the death of Alton Sterling and expressing deep concern about the strained relationship between communities of color and police in the United States.

A passer-by can be heard asking: “What was that for, man?”

The officers were responding to a call regarding a black man who reportedly made threats with a gun, Dabadie said. Sterling, who was widely known as “the CD man” and had the owner’s permission to set-up shop outside the store, never stood a chance and he was, according to the store owner Abdullah Muflahti, the wrong man.

Mr Sterling was confronted by police after an anonymous caller reported being threatened by someone with gun outside the store, the authorities said. “R’n’b singer Kelly Rowland said: “.what’s the excuse this time? Often, a vast majority of my white peers don’t say anything at all – and when they do, they often choose to play devil’s advocate or try to justify the killings with some arbitrary protocol to make them feel as though the world is fair.

“As soon as I finished the video, I put my phone in my pocket”. I knew they would take it from me, if they knew I had it. They took my security camera videos. So I kept this video for myself.

Sterling, a convicted felon, wouldn’t be permitted to legally have a gun.

In his emotional letter, Drake told fans he felt compelled to say something after watching the video of Sterling’s tragic death, which left him feeling “disheartened, emotional and truly scared”. “It would have been a very big problem to pull his gun out”.

Sterling had a rap sheet that included battery and resisting arrest and was a registered sex offender.

“When officers arrived, Sterling was armed and the altercation ensued that resulted in the loss of his life”, Dabadie said. As a nation, we have become all too accustomed to-if not tired of-a U.S. Attorney General’s office that refuses to bring charges against a police officer, despite incontrovertible videotaped evidence.

“The death of Alton Sterling is a tragedy, and my prayers are with his family, including his five children”.

Investigators work at the scene of a police involved shooting with St. Anthony Police officers on Wednesday, July 6, 2016, in Falcon Heights, Minn.

The Justice Department will look into whether the officers wilfully violated Mr Sterling’s civil rights through the use of unreasonable or excessive force. Incidents like this one have undermined the trust between police departments and the communities they serve. But, he said, “I believe things can change for the better”. Her son, Cameron, 15, broke down in tears and was led away as his mother spoke.


Founder Arthur “Silky Slim” Reed said during an interview Wednesday that members of his organization, Stop the Killing Inc., were monitoring police scanners early Tuesday when they heard a report of a disturbance at the store.

Demonstrators mourned the loss of Alton Sterling chanting'black lives matter and'hands up don't shoot