
Gove launches Tory leadership bid after ousting Johnson

UK Transport Secretary Mr McLoughlin, writing in The Sun, said Mrs May would be able to do the required deals in Brussels as the UK negotiated its exit from the European Union.


In 2012 Michael Gove repeatedly told BBC Radio 4 he “could not be prime minister”.

Gove added: “Theresa May has been an outstanding Home Secretary”.

“I will ensure we honour the instructions the British people have given us”, he said.

His visit comes the day after he announced he would not be running for the Conservative Party leadership.

Justice Secretary Michael Gove hopes to win the keys to Downing Street..

“The public voted for no more politics as usual, no more business as usual and that is why I am the candidate for change”. “I also thought ultimately, can I recommend to my friends that this person is right to be prime minister?” “But I’ll do all I can that a referendum takes place and they have a chance to express their view”. “With my leadership, it will be delivered”, Gove pledged.

Quizzed on the £250million difference, he claimed: “I said we would take that money back, we would spend it on peoples priorities”.

In the question and answer session after the speech, he said that May’s decision not to campaign for Brexit marked “a fundamental division of principle between the two of us”.

“The best person to lead Britain out of the European Union is someone who argued to get Britain out of the European Union”, Gove said.

The result of last week’s referendum has rattled Britain’s economy and divided the country – 52 percent of voters wanted to leave the 28-nation bloc, while 48 percent voted to remain.

“I have, therefore, chose to put my name forward for the leadership”.

“But there is something special about leading a party and leading a country, and I had the opportunity in the last few days to assess whether or not Boris could lead that team and build that unity”.

“I am so very reluctant”, he told reporters. Whatever charisma is I don’t have it, whatever glamour may be I don’t think anyone could ever associate me with it. What is the right thing to do?

European Union leaders have insisted that there would be no talks before the United Kingdom officially notifies the bloc of its intention to leave, not even on preliminary discussions, and called on the United Kingdom government to start the Article 50 procedure as soon as possible.

“There was a problem with the Northern Ireland peace process”, he added.

He said: “He is actually Theon Greyjoy or will be by the time I am finished with him”.

Staff are being warned not to serve six Leave campaigners, which include: Boris Johnson, Michael Gove, Andrea Leadsom, Nigel Farage, Daily Mail editor Paul Dacre and Sarah Vine, Daily Mail columnist and wife of Michael Gove.


“I wanted that plan to work”.

Vote Leave campaign leader Boris Johnson leaves his home in London Britain