
Will Fatal Tesla Crash Stop the Driverless Car Craze?

Meanwhile, with security experts believing that the fatal accident could shape the regulations for self-driving cars in the future, Maryland trial lawyer Wayne Cohen – a law professor at George Washington University – said that the fatality will probably “impact the regulatory landscape;” and added: “You’re putting a real person and a awful tragedy on the face of automated driving”. Which may be true. The crash of a Tesla Tesla’s Model S happened in Florida back in May but just now it’s under scrutiny.


Two months ago, the first-ever fatality involving a self-driving vehicle, or a auto in self-driving mode, took place, when Joshua Brown’s Tesla Model S, while on Autopilot mode, had careened into a semi while the truck was making a left turn.

Maddening race is on among automakers and technology firms to develop self-driving cars, which are considered to be future of vehicles.

Tesla itself rolled back some features in January, including reducing the speed at which Autopilot can operate on residential streets.

“It is important to note that Tesla disables Autopilot by default”, says Tesla, “and requires explicit acknowledgement that the system is new technology and still in a public beta phase before it can be enabled”.

He said: “Autopilot is getting better all the time but it is not ideal and still requires the driver to remain alert. Nonetheless, when used in conjunction with driver oversight, the data is unequivocal that Autopilot reduces driver workload and results in a statistically significant improvement in safety when compared to purely manual driving”. Some view the accident as a setback to autonomous cars.

In contrary to the statement given by the truck driver, Tesla Motors Inc. has claimed that it is impossible to watch videos on the Model S touchscreen.

Technologically, the approaches differ, too.

“For full autonomy you’d obviously need 360-degree cameras, you’d need probably redundant forward cameras, you’d need redundant computing hardware, and then redundant motors and a steering rack”. I thought he had a heart attack or something.

According to an investigation by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), the crash occurred when the tractor-trailer made a left turn in front of the Tesla at an intersection.

A YouTube video account belonging to a Joshua Brown had a recently posted video showing a Tesla Model S automatically able to avoid a truck that veered into its lane.

Reed said she didn’t know her friend had been driving a Tesla until she heard about the crash.

But that same feature is now under scrutiny after it emerged that a Tesla driver was killed while using it last May.


His death was expected to have major implications for the progress of autonomous vehicles which are being developed by a number of technology companies including Google and Uber. Some lower-priced models have them, too.

A Tesla Car Crashes While In Autopilot Mode, Killing Its Driver