
You can explore CU in Pokemon Go and it’s awesome

Inside of “Pokemon Go”, the game allows you to turn features such as sound, music and more.


Unfortunately, there is very little documentation for the game so people are still very confused about how it all works.

In the meantime, you can always swap tips and tricks for Pokemon GO with your friends and ask them where abouts they managed to find that elusive Growlithe in your area. Like PokeStops, Gyms are found where real-life landmarks are. Afterwards, you are ready to start looking for Pokemon to capture.

Depending on the color of the tower, the gym is controlled by one of the three teams (Red, Blue, or Yellow) or it has not yet been claimed.

Strong gyms have a high Prestige Level. When that reaches zero, the location will become neutral and you can grab it for your team. Doing this consumes one blue box. But most importantly, it’s a question of your Combat Point (CP) level. Additionally, one can use in-game objects, such as berries, to lower a tougher Pokemon’s defenses.

When a gym is yours, you and your team can deploy your own creatures there to protect it and to provide training for your own Pokemon. It’d certainly make the whole process of trading Pokemon and battling against other trainers an easy process, anyway.

Once you have gathered the Eggs it’s time to Hatch them and it can be done only if you walk.

However, before you transfer a double (or triple) to the professor, analyze the Pokemon’s stats and compare it to the other Pokemon of the same kind that you already have. You get more Prestige for winning Gym battles, and lose Prestige after a defeat. After you are done with the installation, you need to open the game.


Levelling up in Pokemon Go is very simple. You can only fight creatures that have been assigned to the gym, which means you are battling against AI, not human wits. CPs are also the best way to measure if you and your squad can take on an opposing team from a Pokemon Gym. If you’re going to head out to play “Pokemon Go”, make sure to manually close a lot of your apps that are running. For each, you get 10 coins and 500 dust, up to a maximum of 100 coins and 5000 dust per timer. However, there’s one New York City gym that some players might not want to visit: the gym at Trump Tower.

Here's How You Become a Gym Leader in Pokemon GO