
FBI head defends outcome of Clinton email investigation

“There is no legal requirement for your to provide Secretary Clinton with classified information, and it would send the wrong signal to all those charged with safeguarding our nation’s secrets if you choose to provide her access to this information despite the FBI’s findings”.


Clinton used several different servers during her four-year tenure, rather than one server as was originally thought.

In announcing his recommendation that no charges be filed against Clinton stemming from her use of a private email server while she was secretary of state, Comey called Clinton and her staff “extremely careless in their handling of very sensitive, highly classified information”.

“We don’t want to put people in jail unless we prove that they knew they were doing something they shouldn’t do”, Comey said.

Clinton lied when she said earlier this month, in an NBC interview, “I never received nor sent any material that was market classified”.

FBI Director James Comey stirred interest Thursday when he said former CIA Director David Petraeus hid materials in attic insulation while the agency pursued its case about his mishandling of classified information.

Chaffetz’s committee is hearing from Comey Thursday about the investigation.

The speaker’s push comes as Comey is slated to testify Thursday morning before the House Oversight Committee.‎‎.

Comey gave his most detailed explanation to date about why the Justice Department concluded without charges a yearlong investigation that had dogged Clinton’s presidential campaign and raised questions for voters about her trustworthiness.

“No, there was classified material emailed”, Comey replied.

One by one, Comey rebutted a litany of GOP charges including that the Federal Bureau of Investigation had been biased, ignored the law, applied it unjustly or coordinated the decision with Clinton’s campaign.

Comey: That’s what I said.

“Director Comey, do these actions make it easier for these racist groups to incite even more supporters?”

“I don’t think you can take away the president’s top security clearance, and I’m pretty sure you can’t fire the president, because we’ve tried”, he said. Only three of the FBI-reviewed emails were explicitly marked as classified and those were marked with a “C” in the body of the email, not in the header, he said.

“I received and accepted their unanimous recommendation that the thorough, year-long investigation be closed and that no charges be brought against any individuals within the scope of the investigation”, Lynch said in a statement.


Gowdy then went on to argue that this pattern of false statements by Clinton seem to indicate an intent to hide criminal conduct, which should open her case to prosecution. So given that assessment of the facts, my understanding of the law, my conclusion was and remains no reasonable prosecutor would bring this case. She also used her personal e-mail extensivelywhile outside the US, including sending and receiving work-related emails “in the territory of sophisticated adversaries”, Comey said. He said his team found no evidence that she lied under oath or broke the law by discussing classified information in an unclassified setting.

Paul Ryan